2 Cories Dead :(


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2011
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Hi all,

I recently cycled my tank and added my first lot of fish ( 5 Bronze corys and 2 Platies). 2 of the Corys seem to have died in the last 2 days. I got them on Wednesday (29th). I keep testing the water and ammonia and nitrite are 0. Could it be due to moving stress? They don't really show any signs of illness except for being really lazy.

What's your pH and tank temperature?

How did you acclimatise the new fish to your tank?


And I drip acclimatised them for hour and a half.

Just a thought - are you testing your water with a proper liquid test kit and not paper strips? Paper strips are useless and dont give you true readings.

If you did use a liquid test kit and all readings are as you say spot on then you could just be unlucky - it sometimes happens. If the other fish seem fine then replace them , but I would buy from a different fish shop incase they were weak or in the first stages of disease.
I use API master test kit.

I used ammonia to cycle the tank.

I did just see my platy dart into the sand....
Fortunately no fish dead this morning, the 3 corys left are active and eating. The 2 platties are still really shy though.
hey jayladd. i cycled my tank just a few weeks ago. first few fish i put in 2 died i went to diffrent fish shop and now i have over 25 fish in tank now and there all doing fine i think its just one of them things
Thanks littlenemo, I hope so. They did look a little lazy in the fish shop, I just thought they were a little stressed and would be okay at home. Clearly the wrong thing to do but I've learnt my lesson!
Corys are normally a very hardy fish, mine has been through everything a fish could go through, and survived.
Some Cories tend to release toxins when stressed.

This is especially so during the moving trip from LFS to your home + 1-2h acclimatisation.

All this time the cories are exposed to their own toxins.

Every time i get new cories (trilineatus) I lose at least 1 the day after the trip and one or two more in the week after that.

none of the original inhabitants (also cories) are ever affected...
Some Cories tend to release toxins when stressed.

This is especially so during the moving trip from LFS to your home + 1-2h acclimatisation.

All this time the cories are exposed to their own toxins.

Every time i get new cories (trilineatus) I lose at least 1 the day after the trip and one or two more in the week after that.

none of the original inhabitants (also cories) are ever affected...

Thats really interesting and something I didnt know! When ever ive bought cories I always tend to lose one a few days later and now I know why!
Temperature issue. Many, but not all, cories require a temperature cooler than you presently have in your tank Jayladd. Drop the temperature 2 or 3C and your fish should respond with better survival.

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