2.6Ft Custom Tanks


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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I had these 2 tanks custom made, they were under the 5ft, but have now moved out onto a 2 tiered stand.

The top tier holds the BN breeding tank, it has 1 pair of Albinos and 1 pair of common BN (carry the albino gene) Note: this tank has no light, pic was taken using ambient light from the 3ft that sits beside and below it (very bright lighting on the 3ft lol) otherwise the room was dark. Not a bad pic considering

The bottom tier holds, what is now a planted tank (not finished)

Oh I love the way you've 'scaped your bottom one! 
You can see the bristles on your male albino from that shot. He looks happy! I'm very anxious for some of mine to start maturing enough to possibly start on some bristles. (I've got three juvies, and they may very well all be females.)
The bristlenose males have both just released a cave full of albino and common fry....again. And both boys are again trying to convince the girls to join them lol
Yeah i quite like the bottom tank, i would like to try and get an apisto pair or a ram pair for this tank
I bought 12 or so neon tetras for the planted tank today. Never had much luck with them before, but figured i'd give em another go. Will be slowly changing this tank over to mostly rainwater to keep them a bit happier
And i spot a number of Endler Livebearer fry swimming around in there too :)
The last pic i had taken of this tank......

Currently it is an overgrown jungle, full of endlers and their fry.....i need to pull down and replant stems
Updated pic (will be trimmed shortly)
Completely pulled down this planted tank this morning, was soooooo overgrown. Completely feral.
It is about to be rescaped to something different.......stay tuned
Here it is :)
Neolamprologus multifasciatus (shell dweller) tank
Just moved fish into their new home....tried to divide it up a bit for territories, but nooooo, they all decide the middle section is prime real estate and are currently debating who gets to live where lol
I spy baby shell dwellers everywhere!!! Sooo tiny

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