2.5 Gallon Tank, Wondering About The Stocking?


New Member
Sep 2, 2012
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Ok so I have a 2.5 gallon tank with sand. That's it. I will get a filter for 6.6 gallons. I am not some clueless fish keeper either. I know no fish can be kept in there, not even a betta (need 5+ gallons). I want some invertebrates in there. I was thinking about just some ghost shrimp and mystery snails or just ghost shrimp. I know both can be in a 2.5 gallon! Is there any crabs? Fresh, salt, or brackish water, doesn't matter, but please do tell me. And I was wondering about a couple margarita snails? I can keep the tempurature steady at 72 degrees, and I can get a fan to lower it even more.

What invertebrates should I get and how many? I would love to have a crab in there. What about starfish? A small one. Or how big of a tank do sea horses need (I know they need bigger than 2.5 gallons) is 10 enough?
I'd heavily plant the tank and get some cherry shrimp. You'd probably get snails in there on the plants but if you carpeted with Java moss added a echinodorus tenellus, and a few small rocks, it'd be great :hyper:

TekFish :good:
It would be Very difficult to do this as a saltwater tank. It wouldmbe ebst to stick with freshwater.
I'd heavily plant the tank and get some cherry shrimp. You'd probably get snails in there on the plants but if you carpeted with Java moss added a echinodorus tenellus, and a few small rocks, it'd be great :hyper:

TekFish :good:
Cherry shrimp, java moss, Pygmy chain sword would be very hard to keep in a saltwater aquarium. Though all look great in freshwater as I am doing it in a ten gallon with Pygmy Cory's, ludwigia repens, and baby tears

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