1st Newly Born Fry


New Member
Jul 27, 2006
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southampton uk
hi my silverfin mollie has just given birth to 15 ish fry and am wondering if i need to do anything? its a 36 gallon tank with plenty of plant cover in which they are hiding. i have another tank and gear ready to set up though. do i need to do this? they're sharing a tank with two platties 10 neons mum dad and a long fin plec!
it depends on if you want to keep all of them, if the other tank is not cycled i would keep them in the main well planted tank, even if some get eaten you should find a few survive.
good luck with what ever you decide to do,donna :)
Well if you really want all the fry to survive you should have a fry tank. Just make sure to cycle it before putting the fry in there. They have a topic in the live bearers section showing how to set up a fry tank. But you can also just go with the method survival of the fittest. If you have many hidding places for the fry you will have a few fry that will live.

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