4 days ago whilst getting ready for work, I noticed an albino was quiet and alone at the bottom of the tank, not feeding like the others. On closer inspection it was plainly swollen, Bloat ! Was also being investigated by the other fish which was shocking it into moving.
Quickly set-up a hospital tank (already had an 80L from before). Gave it a quick clean, cut sections of filter material from main tank, transferred water from main tank and re-housed the sick Mbuna. Dosed new tank with 2 tablespoons of EpsomSalts.
Having read the forums, it seems that Clout (not available in the UK) & Metonidazole are good treatments for bloat. Couldn't find either online but needed something now! My partner managed to get eSHa 2000 which is a treatment for fungus, finrot and bacteria treatment, from the local LFS which is only ten minutes away.
Administered treatment at lunch time as directed (Day 1 of treatment) the Albino was even more swollen and it was possible to see between the scales, soon it seemed it would look like an acorn!
Day 2 of treatment - Albino had improved slightly next morning and was swimming about a bit. Then in the main tank during feeding there was a Demasoni stationary and hiding, upon further observation it also seemed sick but not swollen, maybe just a little. Moved the Demasoni also to the hospital tank having checked if it would feed in a bucket. Administered treatment at lunchtime (half of first dose). Albino a lot better. Demasoni stationary and vertical in corner.
Day 3 of treatment - Albino is no longer swollen and more active, almost normal . Demasoni is not well, tho' has not swollen but moving very little.
Day 4 no treatment - We've lost the Demasoni!
On the positive side the albino looks very good. Did a 50% water change and fed a pea which helps clear the digestive system. It ate hungrily. Will monitor it's progress for a few more days.
All other fish seem to be doing well, did our usual 200L water change. Will keep a close eye on them. Maybe we were overfeeding slightly will reduce the amount and see how it goes.