15 Years Of Fish Keeping I Learned....


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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Over 15 years of fish keeping I have had just about every kind of algae pop up in my tank you name it i have had it. I am happy to say my days of fighting algea are over. My tanks have the balance they need for plants and fish to thrive. I also have rams horn snails and otos that keep algea from ever being seen. It took my years to get the right balance in every tank.

I know now what caused much of my algea problems and no case was ever the same. There was a time where the blue green algea because such a problem I took the whole tank apart and put it back together with planting gravel not sand like it had. .

I have found less is more when it comes to keeping aquariums. I use to do WC every 5 days. Now I do them every week or 10 days. I do clean my filters more I try and do that every 2 months. I have more plants then ever and less fish. I don't add much ferts as I was. Only excel in the AM and an all around fert once a week. Plants are happy and no algea. But I have the help of otos and snails to keep the algea from ever showing up.

Don't think the quick fix will do anything. You have to fix the problem or the cause of the algea. Remember it is all about keeping a good balance in the tank. Over stocking a tank with fish can help algea take over. Keeping live plants helps the best. In the beginning like many I over stocked my fish were fine but my tank got algea.

Your tank will never be algea free. The goal is to keep the algea from ever getting the upper hand. Even when you don't see algea it is still there waiting to take over. Keep it under control easier said then done.

What I find has worked

1 don't over stock with fish.
2 clean your filters
3 don't use too many ferts or any.
4 less light is better. ( unless you inject Co2)
5 feed less
6 keep fast growing live plants. (Duckweed can help. )
7 good water flow in the whole tank. Dont forget you need surface agitation.
8 keep more plants then Fish.
9 weekly WC
10 be consistent in the amount of light, water changes, and feeding. Consistency helps keep things in balance.
11. Keep small algea cleaners otos, snails, or shrimp. They will help but not solve your problem. They just keep algea in check don't expect them to cure the problem.

Maybe some others can add to the list. What have you found to help keep your tanks algea free?
I learned that a duck does not fit ontop of a fish tank :(
Why is changing your water more often worse? I change mine mid week and end of the week rather than a bigger change once a week.
I have discovered that a light shade is a huge help, I DIYed one and it has made a world of difference.
Here is a thing i always struggle with, i only do water changes once a month and take 30-40% out each time. My stats are always spot on, never have any problems with fish deaths. As long as you test your water and keep a check on things it obviously doesnt need to be done every week to keep a healthy tank ?
Or does it ?
PlumbersMerchant said:
Here is a thing i always struggle with, i only do water changes once a month and take 30-40% out each time. My stats are always spot on, never have any problems with fish deaths. As long as you test your water and keep a check on things it obviously doesnt need to be done every week to keep a healthy tank ?
Or does it ?
I use to do water changes like crazy some times ever 3 days never let it go longer then a week. Now my tanks might go 2 weeks with out a WC. It all depends on the tank how it is stocked and your filtration. No tank is the same. Doing less WC might not work for you.

Constancy helps keep the balance. Now that I have less fish and more plants with good filtration I find less WC helps me stay algea free. It might have to do with nuriantes in the water getting used up more by the plants and less is for the algea. I don't know. It's weird but for me less WC have helped in my planted tanks.

In my fish only tanks WC need to be done more offend or should be. Because I don't have plants. So I should have said the WC thing really depends on the amount of plants your have and how fast they grow.

As for duckweed. Its not for everyone. If you want it gone keep a silver dollar in the tank. When my duckweed gets to be too much I use it as fresh food for my silver dollars. My uaru and severum like it too.

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