15 Tetras 13~ Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 14, 2008
Reaction score
Daegu, South Korea
Would 15 Neon Tetras work in a 13 gallon tank? Keeping in mind they would have a larger 50 gallon home in 6 months~ (I already own the 50 gallon just don't want to setup it up until I move)
What are the dimensions of the tank, OP?
And would you be adding any other fish besides the Neons?
they might work if the dimensions are correct of the tank and you add nothing else... i personally would wait until the larger tank is setup, they do enjoy swimming around and having a shoal of 15 (since they usually all stick together) will not allow much free space to swim.
Yeah. I'd wait till you set up the 50. It may work if the tank is a 15 long. I wouldn't even keep 13 in a 15 gallon, even if it's a long 15 gallon. Just my opinion. :)
To be honest I would say that if you have to keep 10 Neons in a 13 gallon tank then go ahead.Make sure that it is well planted and keep an eye on the water quality,provide a few sheltered areas and I'm sure they will be fine.
they may look fine, but they would not be happy, they are active fish like i have mentioned earlier
I agree with gus on this one. Neons are not that active as swimmers, and as long as the tank is two feet/60 cms or longer, they would be fine.
but all tetras are active, they zip around the tank all day. it would be fine to keep them until the 50gallon comes, but i would never keep them in that for them the 6 months
You can go ahead and try it. but if you see them darting around like crazy, you'll need to rehome some of them and keep like 5 for the space.

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