Planted tanks
New Member
And so it begins.
Picked up a used 125G all glass tank today off of Craigslist for $75. Was covered in corraline and green algae so did the usual scraping when it comes to a used tank and now I have started filling with a 1/2C to 1G vinegar mixture to let it soak and get any minor spots I missed. In the process I'll be letting it set and leak check it each day. I didn't see any when I filled it the first time when I got it home but we will see once the concrete has had a chance to dry.
I will be custom building a stand and most likely doing a custom sump out of a 55.
Don't have any equipment or lighting yet so any suggestions along the way of what you have used and love would be awesome. I've done salt before so I know the basics and plan to go reef with this one but am always open to advice and suggestions before I make the wrong choice and toss out a few hundred dollars. If you want to follow along, feel free. It will be a slow going thread as I have two 8 year old boys who like to think my paycheck is theirs for toys, but I will update as the tank progresses as well as when the stand is being built.......
So heeeeeeeere we go.