125 G Long Stocking


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2016
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   Hello All.
   We've had a South American cichlid tank for some time now. We've decided to ad an African cichlid tank to our menagerie of water features, so I wanted opinions on my planned stocking. We already have the tank, a 125g long, set up and cycling. What I would like to put in it is a trio of electric yellows, a trio of blue peacocks, a trio of red peacocks, a trio of white labs, and a trio of yellow labs, as well as a couple cuckoo catfish. Is this a doable arrangement?
I can't answer the question regarding the cichlids, sorry. But I know what I would house if I had a 125 gallon, I would get a school of Bala Sharks or fill the tank with discus. 
Electric yellows and yellow labs are the same. The yellows and white will cross bred so will the different peacocks. If you chose all males you'll want one of each species.
Thanks, Rainbow and James.
   Rainbow, I agree with you, but we already have 29g and 90g community tanks. The wife is set on another cichlid tank and, since I prefer the bed to the sofa, she wins.
   Great info, James. I'm not concerned with crossbreeding. I hope they go crazy, as any extra fry will just go to feed our oscars. I just wanted to be sure everything would get along ok. I have 7 different cave areas set up, so hopefully all males can establish their own territories.

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