120 Litre Planted Aquarium - Journal
This particular aquarium has been running for a total of 2 years now; in the last 6 months plant growth has excelled and algae formation has come to an halt. Despite the aquarium being quite established and well-planted, I think there is still room for improvement in terms of giving this aquarium a natural feel as this was never the intention initially.
Aquarium Details
Capacity: 120 litres (Ferplast Aquarium)
Co2: Yes; Dennerle Comfort Range with replaceable 500g CO2 cylinder
Lighting: 2 x 24 Hagen LifeGlo fluorescent tubes (22")
Plants: Limnophila sessiliflora, Cryptocoryne wendtii brown & green, Cryptocoryne parva, Marsilea hirsuta, Eleocharis parvula, Cryptocoryne undulata 'broad leaves', Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya'
Inhabitants: 8x Black Neon Tetras, 4x Corydoras Cat fish (the clean-up crew of the tank)
Substrate & Decoration: Regular play sand sourced from China. Various grey pebbles are scattered around the aquarium; nothing significant.
Aquarium Pictures

Corydoras Pair 1

Pearling of the Marsilea?

Black Neon Tetra Shoal

As you can see from the overview, the aquarium is or has become quite densely planted. I am looking to add some kind of a centre piece to the aquarium (decor-wise) so that it doesn't look so flat in the middle. This decoration could be a piece of bog wood or a type of rock. Do you think I should go ahead with this? Will adding such a piece of decor block the CO2 flow that comes forth from the back-left of the aquarium (from the power heads) and which travels to the front-right?
Any other suggestions will be much appreciated,