120 Litre Planted Aquarium Journal


Fish Herder
May 27, 2009
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120 Litre Planted Aquarium - Journal

This particular aquarium has been running for a total of 2 years now; in the last 6 months plant growth has excelled and algae formation has come to an halt. Despite the aquarium being quite established and well-planted, I think there is still room for improvement in terms of giving this aquarium a natural feel as this was never the intention initially.

Aquarium Details

Capacity: 120 litres (Ferplast Aquarium)
Co2: Yes; Dennerle Comfort Range with replaceable 500g CO2 cylinder
Lighting: 2 x 24 Hagen LifeGlo fluorescent tubes (22")
Plants: Limnophila sessiliflora, Cryptocoryne wendtii brown & green, Cryptocoryne parva, Marsilea hirsuta, Eleocharis parvula, Cryptocoryne undulata 'broad leaves', Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya'
Inhabitants: 8x Black Neon Tetras, 4x Corydoras Cat fish (the clean-up crew of the tank)
Substrate & Decoration: Regular play sand sourced from China. Various grey pebbles are scattered around the aquarium; nothing significant.

Aquarium Pictures


Corydoras Pair 1

Pearling of the Marsilea?

Black Neon Tetra Shoal

As you can see from the overview, the aquarium is or has become quite densely planted. I am looking to add some kind of a centre piece to the aquarium (decor-wise) so that it doesn't look so flat in the middle. This decoration could be a piece of bog wood or a type of rock. Do you think I should go ahead with this? Will adding such a piece of decor block the CO2 flow that comes forth from the back-left of the aquarium (from the power heads) and which travels to the front-right?

Any other suggestions will be much appreciated,

The lights for this tank have been off since yesterday when the external bubble-counter exploded. The pressure reducer showed 3 bars as it always does but for some reason the bubble-counter decided it explode. I am lucky that I wasn't blinded by the flying plastic!
Oh dear shame bout the bubble counter, nice looking scape tho. :good:
Update: [background=rgb(252, 252, 255)]30th December 2012[/background]

[background=rgb(252, 252, 255)]-The marsilea (four leaf clover) has been removed from the centre fore-ground and placed to the left and right of the tank. [/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 255)]- Bog wood with attached moss added to left side;[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 255)]- Small branched wood added to centre with moss;[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 255)]- New grass carpet planted;[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 255)]- Added 1x Bolivian Ram and 2 more Black Neon Tetras.[/background]




Oh dear shame bout the bubble counter, nice looking scape tho.

Looking good, prefer the hair grass but did like the Marsilea.
Looking good, prefer the hair grass but did like the Marsilea.

I like the hair grass too as co2 bubbles can get passed it easier.

Tank looks awesome mate i really want a fully planted tank like yours

Thank you! If you need any help/advice with any aspect of planted aquariums, be sure to ask here and I'll definitely help.

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