

New Member
Jan 18, 2013
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thinking of getting a tank 10 to 15 gallons what would be a good set up?
also which schooling fish would be the best choice and how many.
looking for cheep,small, hardy fish.
For a ten gallon, I'd say only a school of 5-8 mountain minnows. That's all. 
For a 15, you can do  
-5 cherry barbs and if you want, 2 platys( I wouldn't do mollies since they need some salt and I'm not sure if salt affects barbs) 
-6 pygmy cories 
-5-7 neon tetras
I would do one or the other, wouldn't do both. 
Cherries are pretty easy to find. Almost all the stores should have them. 
And of course, I may be wrong with the stocking. ;) 
in my 10 i got 6 neons, some guppys and 2 ottos and they seem to do alright. guppys breed like crazy too if you want to have fry. try to have more females than males when it comes to guppys or the males will torture the females

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