gwand. Well, I think we can agree that the bottom line for a successful tank with healthy fish is to remove all the toxic nitrogen from the water before there's time for it build up to anywhere near a toxic level. We know that there can't be any trace of ammonia or nitrite in the tank water and 20 ppm (parts per million) is our goal for nitrate. If we can keep the nitrate level at 20 or even lower our fish will be healthy. So, to reach this level, we must be very aggressive water changers.
Here's how I set up a new tank. The tank can be just about any size. I don't care for small tanks, they're just not impressive enough for me. The smallest tank I keep is 45 gallons. I set up the tank with all the bottom material, a couple of aquatic plants and driftwood and rocks from my local lake and river areas. I don't use filters or heaters any more, but I do have aeration in the tank. I fill the tank and use API's Tap Water Conditioner and Quick Start and allow the tank to run for 48 hours or so, just to establish the water temperature.
Then, I'm off to the local fish store and choose whatever fish I like. I stay away from the expensive kinds. I'm retired and my pockets aren't as deep as they used to be. The last time, I set up a 50 gallon tank I got for $20.00 at the local Goodwill Store. The fish store had a deal on Buenos Aires Tetras, so I got a dozen. Note: The smaller the tank the few number of fish you get to use. These Tetras are good sized and have a neat color combination. I drip acclimate the fish for one hour. Every 15 to 20 minutes, I put some water from the tank into the bag of fish. After and hour, I just tilt the fish bag and let the fish swim out. I think it's good to allow a little bag water to flow into my tank to help steady the water chemistry, some would poo-poo this though.
I don't feed for a couple of days. The fish were fed at the store, so they'll be fine. I remove and replace half the tank water a couple of times a week for roughly a couple of months and always use the API products according to instructions and feed the fish a little flaked food three times a week. After two months, I gradually increase the time between water changes to half every week and use the API products every time I change out the tank water.
That's it. I don't think I've left out anything. What is your honest opinion?