10 gallon quarantine tank questions


Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2020
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United States
For the first time, I'm going to set up a quarantine tank as I really do not want to introduce anything nasty to the 125 system I'm labored so much over, especially with live plants and snails involved.

I have a general idea of what to do; I have a bunch of extra HOBs lying around, there's an extra heater I can use and I can grab some filter media out from one of the canister filters to jumpstart the cycle. But my questions are moreso, is it fine to forego substrate and simply have some faux decor for security? And what's a general safe number of fish to have for a few weeks in that temporary space? Most of the fish I'm getting are shoaling and I'd prefer to get the full batch of a given species at a time (from 5-6 to 12-15 depending on which I'm acquiring).
I usually put Hornwort from my tank in the QT as it helps keep ammonia in check, and fish love to swim in and around it. It grows like a weed, so you can just discard it responsibly when done. I also put a very thin layer of sand (2mm) so the fish feel a little more comfortable.
My quarantine tank:
1. sand substrate or bare bottom
2. Fake plants (medication kills live plants)
3. HOB or sponge filter

The number of fishes depends on your water changes schedule.

What kind of fishes do you want?
They're all going to be small. Black neon and neon/cardinal tetras, hatchets, panda cories, the largest will be some type of apistos (and their batch will be the smallest, 3-4 compared to the 10-15 for each of the others).
It is beneficial to purchase the whole shoal at once so they feel secure and can quickly establish a hierarchy. It also reduces the opportunities of introducing disease when compared to getting different batches. This size tank is fine for quarantine purposes ie. a few weeks.
Well, it's quite crude but I've got something running.
Slightly oversized lid but it gets the job done. Air stone, heater, timer for the light and a Fluval 70 HOB (well over triple times the filtration power for a 10 gallon) that I've stuffed with two floss pads straight from one of the 125's canisters (and replaced them with fresh ones to replenish what was taken) along with the bio ball bags and sponge block that was already in there.
Will give it a few days to a week so things stabilize and test the water to ensure as much, but it's almost time for the actual fun part of this hobby after literal months of preparation.
That will work just fine, no need for substrate.
Was told in another forum that I need to keep something to keep the bacteria going as there's no ammonia going in the QT. I don't have liquid ammonia so would just putting some food flakes/pellets to decompose suffice? Just getting fish tomorrow would technically do the same thing but that doesn't sound wise.
You are moving seeded media from another tank into the filter, correct?
Already did several hours ago when I set everything up. Decided to toss in a couple little sinking food pellets to continue the cycle.
Sorry, should have read back, you started Sunday...

Beneficial bacteria (BB) will live for quite a while w/out ammonia (in conditioned water)...will be interesting to see your water param readings in the next several days..

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