10 Gallon Aquarium.......indostomus Crocodilus


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2013
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Hey everyone! This is my first time starting a journal. I have been wanting to help keep fish from going extinct, and recently, I found my chance. Indostomus C. are an endangered species (info from the ICUN red list) native to Thailand. They are fairly easy to maintain and breed. They are Extremely tiny.  
So recently i set up a 10 gallon for a betta, and i design it just for one, but then i decided to buy only platies for it, but that didn't work out well. So now i have 1 platy in my 10. I am going to, with a group of friends start breeding these fish and hopefully keep them from going extinct. 
So far this is my 10 gallon tank.                                                                                                                           
Hopefully i shared it right!
I apologize if it has to download to your computer. 
Seems like I have to sign in to gmail to look at it? o_O And do you still have the platy? I'd re-home it personally since a 10g is a bit too small for them. Then you can just worry about the indostomus crocodilus.
Malex, I have removed the link you posted, links that require a member to login to an external account are discouraged.
Could you please post the photo directly to the site. There are instructions at the top of this section.
Sorry if this is redundant, TLM I did not see instructions at the top of the journal section, THIS is in the welcome and intro section though, which may help?
the_lock_man said:
Malex, I have removed the link you posted, links that require a member to login to an external account are discouraged.
Could you please post the photo directly to the site. There are instructions at the top of this section.
Thank you! I'm going to check the welcome and intro section. i will post them in a dew minutes.
Ninjouzata said:
Seems like I have to sign in to gmail to look at it? o_O And do you still have the platy? I'd re-home it personally since a 10g is a bit too small for them. Then you can just worry about the indostomus crocodilus.
No i do not have the platy. He passed away a couple days ago. 

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