Because of a pet shop I've had no choice to go a fish in cycle route.
Started with
40 ltr tank
6 fish
50% of the water was from my 22ltr tank with the gravel, added new gravel and live plants
Day 1.
Zero nirities, zero nitrates, 8.0 ammonia
Did a 50% eater change and added some live bacteria from tetra, and treated water with prime and stability from seachem
Added a API detox bag to the filter.
Day 2.
No water test as pointless
20% eater change with some stability and a filter boost
Added some prime media from a friends tank.
Day 3.
Ammonia 8, nirities 0, nitrates 0
50% water change, stopped feeds, removed excess food, added stability and some aqua salt.
Day 4.
No test
Stability, live bacteria
Male Betta died
Day 5
Ammonia 1.0, nirities a trace and nitrates a trace
're homed 2 female fighters, still no feeding
Stability and some prime
Day 6
No test
20% water change, prime, stability
Day 7, today.
Tests this morning, ammonia 0.25, nitrites and nitrate increased.
Cloudy water from abacteria bloom.
Stability, salt and live bacteria
And will do a 50% eater change before I go bed.
This is what I've done over the last 7 days, with a rand new set up with fish in, all the 5 original fish are alive and doing well, fingers crossed.
Started with
40 ltr tank
6 fish
50% of the water was from my 22ltr tank with the gravel, added new gravel and live plants
Day 1.
Zero nirities, zero nitrates, 8.0 ammonia
Did a 50% eater change and added some live bacteria from tetra, and treated water with prime and stability from seachem
Added a API detox bag to the filter.
Day 2.
No water test as pointless
20% eater change with some stability and a filter boost
Added some prime media from a friends tank.
Day 3.
Ammonia 8, nirities 0, nitrates 0
50% water change, stopped feeds, removed excess food, added stability and some aqua salt.
Day 4.
No test
Stability, live bacteria
Male Betta died
Day 5
Ammonia 1.0, nirities a trace and nitrates a trace
're homed 2 female fighters, still no feeding
Stability and some prime
Day 6
No test
20% water change, prime, stability
Day 7, today.
Tests this morning, ammonia 0.25, nitrites and nitrate increased.
Cloudy water from abacteria bloom.
Stability, salt and live bacteria
And will do a 50% eater change before I go bed.
This is what I've done over the last 7 days, with a rand new set up with fish in, all the 5 original fish are alive and doing well, fingers crossed.