1 Fish Dead Another 1 Dying?


New Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Lincolnshire UK
I have a 35L tropical tank, with 1 platy, 1 cherry barb and 3 harlequins. (Upgrading to a larger tank after xmas) I've not added any new fish since the 3 harlequins back in August or September.

About 5 days ago when i got home from work i found one of the harlequins dead stuck to the filter...so now i'm left with 2
I removed the dead fish, tested the water which was all the usual readings (i use the API kit) but did a 50% water change anyway. (I do about 40-50% water changes every 2 weeks-ish)

All was fine, until today i noticed my cherry barb turning on his side quite alot, very slow, floaty and hung round the bottom of the tank bumping into things. I immediately tested the water and again there was nothing unusual about the readings.... I also noticed a grey patch on the top of his head and read it could be a disease... so i went to the lfs, and explained. The woman gave me API Melafix, she said it sounded like a possible ulcer or wound. and I also got some API aquarium salt for general use (not necessarily for this issue)

6 hours later, my cherry barb is still very lifeless and seems to have given up on trying to swim, so he's being carried round the tank by the water, mouth moving and tail moving slightly but generally looks like he's past the point of being saved, but then again i thought he was going to die about 6 hours ago and he's still here.

Any help or advice? I really don't want to lose the little guy!!!
Have you got carbon in your filter because that can remove the medication? Carbon is normally the black foam media, if you have remove it, a lot don't use it anyway unless it is to remove medication or tannin in the water.

Is it possible to aim the flow to the tank glass so it deflects and the fish might not struggle in the current?
Have you got carbon in your filter because that can remove the medication? Carbon is normally the black foam media, if you have remove it, a lot don't use it anyway unless it is to remove medication or tannin in the water.

Is it possible to aim the flow to the tank glass so it deflects and the fish might not struggle in the current?

The woman in the lfs told me about the carbon, which i had no idea about! turns out i've never had any in the filter... i was going to get some after i'm done with the medication, but if its not essential then i might not... he doesn't seem to be struggling, just floating everywhere and occasionally moving his tail to change direction :(
He may pull through yet with a bit of luck, you could add carbon AFTER the medication to get rid of it then remove it later if you wanted.

If you have a spare filter you could use some of the media from your old one and also a spare heater and use one of those plastic tubs from the the hardware shop as a hospital tank, just another idea.

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