1 Dead Fish, Please Advise?


New Member
Oct 22, 2012
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Hi all,

I have a female platy that died today. I have 2 outstanding, a male and a female and they seem ok but I would like to diagnose the cause of her death.

The platies have been in the tank for approximately 3/4 days.

The tank is quite new but is cycling well and has no nitrite or ammonia and stable temp and pH.

Required parameters:
125l tank
Planted with live plants
Underwater flugal heater
Flugal u4 submerged filter
Air stone and an external air pump.

Water parameters:
Temp 25-26 degrees
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 20-40ppm
General hardness 240
Carbonate hardness 160
PH 7.5 - 8.0

(London water so it's quite hard but the fish have been in it at the shop).

I noticed today the platy in question was hiding a lot. She then began swimming around the hang quite fast and proceeded to begin floating up and down before just rolling over and over horizontally. It wasn't pleasant to see.

I conducted a 20% water change today. That is the first water change the tank has had since it was established.

Chemical additions include some liquid fertisliser for the plants, biological supplement and dechlorinator with the water change. They were added at recommended values for the water volume.

The other two seem fine????

Please advise?
How long has the tank been set up please?
Do you use liquid test kits, or test strip cards?

Did you notice any of these symptoms before she started to go down hill fast.
Fish can barrel roll when there dying,

Did the fish have trouble staying balanced in the water?
Did she look pale. or darker in colour?
Did the fish rest on plants, or substrate for long periods of time. Did she lean to one side when resting?
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?
Did the fish show signs of gasping at surface of tank. Laboured breathing?
Any signs of your fish darting around the tank?
Did the fish have any red streaks on body, or fins?
Any excess mucas on gills, fins, body?
Did her gills look pale, red and inflamed, excess slime on the gills?

Sorry for all the questions.
How long has the tank been set up please?
Do you use liquid test kits, or test strip cards?

Did you notice any of these symptoms before she started to go down hill fast.
Fish can barrel roll when there dying,

Did the fish have trouble staying balanced in the water?
Did she look pale. or darker in colour?
Did the fish rest on plants, or substrate for long periods of time. Did she lean to one side when resting?
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?
Did the fish show signs of gasping at surface of tank. Laboured breathing?
Any signs of your fish darting around the tank?
Did the fish have any red streaks on body, or fins?
Any excess mucas on gills, fins, body?
Did her gills look pale, red and inflamed, excess slime on the gills?

Sorry for all the questions.


Not at all, don't apologise I'm grateful for any advice.
I use test strips, not liquid.

The only symptom I noticed was her trying to hide away today. I assumed she may have been trying to give birth.

The tank has been setup for just over 2 weeks.

Yes she did seem to find balance difficult.

Her colour was unchanged.

She did spend quite some time in my plant but I did not notice any leaning when resting.

Initially their excrement was white but has since started to become a browny colour.

Her breathing did appear laboured. Large inhalations and gill movement.

She darted around the tank a few times. The other 2 have done this but not to the same extent and I believe they may have been chasing each other or moving away from me when i approached.

No red streaks noticed, no excess mucus noticed.

Her gills did look a little red at one stage now I think about it.

That answers your questions to the best of my ability. I'm sorry, I am quite new to this.

Thank you!!
It can take several weeks for a tank to fully cycle.
I doubt the tank cycled in 2 weeks to be honest. Unless some one gave you a mature filter sponge.
I would suggest investing in some liquid test kits. Due to test strip cards not being that accurate.

Did she look like she was heavily pregnant. As sometimes the baby's inside her can press on the swim bladder.

Swim bladder, red gills, darting, heavy breathing, can all be symptoms of bad water quality,

I would advise an immediate water change. Increase aeration. Add one tablespoon of salt to the tank water. just fill a jug up with tank water. Add a tablespoon of household salt. Stir the water till the salt has disolved Than add to the tank.
Take s sample of your water to the LFS for testing. Ask them if they wouldn't mind writing the readings down for you.

Do you have any other fish in the tank apart from platys. As some fish are sensitive to salt.

Sorry for you loss.
Hi there, the LFS conducted a water test prior to selling me the first and were happy with the result.

I am unable to tell if she was pregnant although her stomach did look quite big but unfortunately I'm unable to tell.

I have conducted a 20% water change. What further percentage needs to be conducted?

What does the salt assist with?

How can I improve the water quality??

Thank you.


I only have 2 platies at this time.
Water changes. Increase aeration. Salt helps the fish in a cycling tank. But you can't add salt if you keep sensitive fish like corys, loaches, neon tetra's, catfish etc.

Get you some good info on starting up a new tank.

I have read good information and have followed the instructions for newbies well. I'm not sure what's wrong.

Can you remove salt if you intend to add salt sensitive fish later?
Using salt in fish tanks.
Yes you can remove salt from a tank by doing water changes.
The salt will give the platys some protection.
I never had a tank cycle in 2 weeks. It will take quite a time to cycle the tank if you only have the 2 platys left in the tank.
Ok. So your recommendation is the addition of salt and purchase or a more accurate testing kit??
Ok. So your recommendation is the addition of salt and purchase or a more accurate testing kit?? Yes. Water changes. Increase aeration. You could buy an airstone & pump. They look pretty aswell.
I wouldn't really advise buying more fish till the tank has cycled. I learnt the hard way. It's heart breaking.
Fishless cycle is the best way.

If you have anymore questions, or problems, don't hesitate posting back on your thread.

Good Luck.
Just as a side note.....when your LFS tests your water they are only looking for ammonia, nitrites and what the pH is before declaring your tank 'safe' for fish. They have no accurate way of telling if your filter is new or mature so taking in a sample of tapwater that has some nitrates in it would give the same results as a sample of water from an established tank with a mature filter. This is why it is important to test your own water, preferably with liquid tests, so you can monitor the cycling process.

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