1.0 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 0 Nitrite Help?

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Mostly New Member
Feb 4, 2014
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I had to get rid of an aggressive fish from my tank a few days ago which involved a rather large water change. My tank has been cycled and has been set up for over a year with little water problems.
Is this normal or is there anything I should do? All of my fish seem to be doing fine except two of my german blue rams seem a little stressed/paler.
I tested my water and the results were
1.0 ammonia
0.0 nitrate
0.0 nitrite
7.0 PH
Are you sure the test was correct?
RRaquariums said:
Are you sure the test was correct?
Pretty sure. I am going to do another water test now and see if I get the same results.

I just tested it again and ammonia says .25
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
And a third test after shaking all of the test bottles real well-
ammonia- .25
nitrite- .50
nitrate- 0
That's odd since I've never had nitrate at 0 while my nitrite is at or above 50.
If you don't have good flow in your tank you may just have pockets in your tank that will test differently from other parts of the tank.
What size of tank do you have?
What kinda flow?
And how many fish are still in it?
It looks like a mini cycle. I do not know how it was cause. However, try to ride it out. Clearly the ammonia is almost handled. I would expect the same for nitrite. As long as the reading do not rise, do nothing. Ammonia may hit 0 soon and nitrite will soon follow.
At your pH .25 ppm of ammonia is not a worry for a number of days. If the nitrite rises a very small amount of salt in the tank will help greatly. Plain old table salt will work if its needed.
Planted tanks or tanks which get lots of water changes will often have close to or 0 nitrate. Low stocking levels would help as well.
While waiting, monitor the fish. if they act differently- hiding, acting sluggish, not eating, or at the surface having trouble breathing, you can take action. But I doubt you will see this. Your ammonia went down which is a good sign. But at your pH your fish should tolerate 1 ppm or more of total ammonia for some time.
Keep us posted.
I have pretty good flow in my tank, I have two HOB filters. My tank is a 75 gallon tank I have one 75 gallon filter and one for a 55 gallon and a lot of plants.
Right now I have 4 angels, 3 german blue rams, 1 gold gourami and 1 albino bristlenose pleco.
I just did a very large water change because I had to remove an aggressive fish that was terrorizing my rams. I normally would never change that much water but it was so hard to catch him with a net and all those plants/hiding places.
No unusual behavior, all fish are swimming around normally and eating like pigs haha. My rams are starting to look better in coloration too. I am going to test the water tomorrow and see what happens.
Yeah it was probably just a weird spike made by the large water change and possibly from the stirring up of the tank while trying to catch that fish.
If your fish look good and act good there probably good lol :)

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