
  1. A

    Missing Danio

    My second last remaining Zebra Danio has been dying over the past four-ish days and I thought he was under a piece of wood. However I have looked everywhere and he just is not there! This happened about a year ago and I never found a corpse. What should I do?
  2. Jan Cavalieri

    Zebra is not welcome to come to school!!!

    I have a serial killer zebra danio (normally a peaceful species) that killed his "brothers" AND a much loved Gourami. His punishment? Life in prison with a school of Harlequin Rasboras He keeps trying to join them, but as soon as he does they switch directions. At first I thought it was...
  3. Jan Cavalieri

    Evil, Evil Zebra Danio's

    I have (or had) a group of seven that delightfully schooled very well. So much and at such speed that the rest of the fish in the tank just had to get out of the way. They are described everywhere as "peaceful schooling fish". Buried in a book I read that they are also known to be fin...
  4. V

    My Zebra Danio has a chunk missing? scab?

    Hi. I straight away i want to say I am not great with all the measurements like pH and all. but.. Few weeks age my danio was hiding away and rocking side to side. Then, it suddenly starred swimming around with other fish and swimming around alot. However his colour went pale. The moment he got...
  5. W

    Zebra Fish Dying

    HELP   I am starting up a research project for my biology department.  I bought 18 zebra fish and put 6 in each of my three 10 gallon tanks.  I put API water conditioner and quick start in each tank.  I acclimated the tanks like instructed and heat was in range.   I am using marina s 10 power...
  6. I

    Urgent Help With My Longfin Zebra Danios, Please!

    Hi! I am very worried about my longfin zebra danios! I need help! I just got my tank (29 gallons) stocked with fish, water parameters are all zero for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. pH is 7.8. Water temp is 79 degrees F (can't get it cooler, that's what the house is inside). My tank is...
  7. F

    Zebra Danio With Curved Spine

    Hi All,   I've had a female zebra danio with a curved spine for about a year and half, The danio is fine apart from it's slightly hunch backed and quite fat looking, It eats fine, swims fine acts like nothing is wrong, I've heard this can happen from the amount of inbreeding in the species. My...
  8. J

    What Are My Zebra Danios Upto:s?

    I had 5 zebra danios they where fine in the tank could always see at least 3 of them at all times I got them to put ammonia in my tank so It would cycle I have now cycled my tank so was going to give them away but have grown fond to them and am keeping them but I put a small silver shark in...
  9. G

    Possible Pregnant Red Zebra? First Time Ever Having Pregnant Fish..

    I think I have a possible pregnant red zebra? This is my first time ever with cichlids and especially with one being pregnant. I was wondering is there any way you can tell if it is? I saw it circle the other day with my electric lab, and since then it looks like it is chewing gum. It also has 6...
  10. Liv15

    Will My Danios Breed?

    So I have a female zebra danio and a male leopard danio. They are always trying to breed in my community tank and I wondered if a zebra danio would breed with a leopard danio. They are basically the same fish except one is striped, the other spotty. I read somewhere that any danio would breed...