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  1. Pictus

    To many tannins?

    I have a 75 gallon tank. I put in a bunch of driftwood and now my water is quite brown in color. I don't really mind the coloration because I like the natural look of it but I am concerned about my plants not getting enough light. Does brown colored water block the light from getting to my...
  2. Guyb93

    Having a Goldilocks moment

    Iv settled for this level of tannins after a few hours of too dark too light Iv settle in this being just right lol , any thoughts ? It’s a little darker than I first wanted but the roobios tea I used had a real deep red to its darkness , not fully happy with the hard scape looking at getting a...
  3. T

    70L centrepiece fish ideas

    Hi All, I’m new to this forum but not to this wonderful hobby, I used to keep and breed Malawi cichlids in a bigger tank in Italy. I was missing planted aquariums so I set up this mini forest. I love the amber colour from tannins, and I think that neon fish would be perfect for this! I’ve just...
  4. Tttay89

    PH and driftwood

    Evening! Complete newby here. Joined a forum because of the false advice I keep getting given by aquarium shops (After failing my first tank from being told I can put a load of fish in a new tank after a few days). I'm now running a fully cycled 120litre stocked tank with no issues after a lot...
  5. Vengified

    Need Opinion on Nitrates and Water Change

    As title says, I am wondering if/when I NEED to do water changes on my tank? I am not new, I'm well aware of nitrogen cycle, had one tank 7 months, second tank 4 months, both with healthy fish. Been frequenting forums for months, with multiple threads if you care to check my profile, and I've...
  6. carmstrong

    Purigen Product Advice

    Good Afternoon Fish Keepers,    I had a question about this specific product.    Its called Purigen     Has anyone used this product and is it safe?   I am researching on how to help remove further tannins from my tank despite my driftwood being soaked for a month and boiled.    Any advice or...
  7. sawickib

    So.. Tannins

    So I didnt know the mopani driftwood was going to make my water as murky as it did. But ii dont mind just two questions. Does it affect the water clarity or anything chemically in the water? And does it affect the plans in the tank, i have java fern, mosses and banana plant.