sunburst platy

  1. SableTheWolf

    Is my platy pregnant?

    Hey, I bought 3 sunburst to add to my communal tank. After a few months, one of them started to get a belly and the other 2 chased it around. I looked into sexing them, and I think the big one is a fmale and the two others are male based off their anal fins. But I dont see a gravid spot? She is...
  2. L

    Platy Not Eating?

    Hello, I recently got a 20 gal tank...about 2-3 weeks ago and I currently have 4 platy's, a molly and two guppies. 3 of the platy's were purchased a couple days after I got the tank, along with the dalmation molly and just two days ago I got a sunburst platy and the two guppies.   During feeding...
  3. L

    Pregnant Platy Questions

    I noticed a few days ago that my sunburst platy was pregnant. I've never dealt with this before but I did a lot of online research and made sure of it. I bought a breeder box and tried to figure out the best time to put her in, and I read a lot of the forums on here about it as well, but it's...