plant id

  1. B

    New plant ID

    Hey there, I got some plants from a friend and I want to ID 2 of them if it's possible. I'm not exactly sure if the bigger one is a rhizome plant or not.
  2. Tacocat

    Plant id

    Hi there! Earlier today I went to the LFS to buy a plant, and bought this guy for 7.99. I'm now regretting getting it because it just doesn't fit. Can someone id it? Thanks!
  3. Barry Tetra

    Is this lucky bamboo?

    Hello! Can anyone Identify this plant?
  4. Meg0000

    Plant identification + fish stocking

    Hi, I would like to know what is the stem plant on the first picture, I think it is hygrophila angustifolia but I am not sure. Also I posted a thread not so long ago to identify the plant on the 2 picture but it was the emerged form of the plant so now it looks different so I would like a second...
  5. KayBray


    I bought a large Anubis plant from Petco the other day. I already have a baby Anubis. There were two separate plants -- one that looks like Anubis and the other looks completely different. Are they both a type of Anubis or did I get two different species?
  6. Elrohirthehasty

    Yet Another Plant Identification...ludwigia Or Hygrophila?

    Hello, what do you think this is?  I was guessing some sort of ludwigia or hygrophila, but I could be (and probably am) completely wrong.  I searched a bit on the internet, but didn't find anything super close looking within 20 minutes, so I gave up and did the lazy thing and posted here:    ...
  7. BelldandyShanny

    Mystery Plant

    So I got this plant on a whim cause it looked fluffy, the lady at the store had no idea what it is but said it came with a shrimp shipment.  (I am new to real plants in a tank) ...