odessa barb

  1. mbsqw1d

    Barmy Barbs - Odessa & Gold

    Got talking about Odessa barbs on another thread recently, so thought I'd take some pics. This is from a 63 gallon (Roma 240) with Odessa and golden barbs and Giant Danio. Its mostly sunlit so there's so glass reflection going on... I'll take some later on when its dark out and they're lit by...
  2. mbsqw1d

    Get another tank

    I've recently added 13 Odessa barbs to an existing 12 peppered cories, and the barbs have since made the tank their own. Which is perfectly fine. I'm very fond of corydoras, and before the barbs, they were thriving and spawning. But I'm now noticing some of the cories have slightly nipped fins...