green alage

  1. Sparklehoofs

    Can anyone identify this white dust on anubias?

    Hi, I have a lot of tanks. All have been running fine for months. Some heavily planted. 2 planted tanks have just turned upside down and have no idea why. 1 had only green spot algae and I just removed the plant it was affecting before dosing with phosphate to fix this. The second tank had...
  2. S

    Algea Outbreak

    I have a 35G tank that is 6 months old now: 15 Harlequin Rasboras, 9 Neon Tetras, 6 Amano Shrimps, 1 Assassin Snail. My tank is invaded by all sorts of algae; green, brown, hair, and it's everywhere brown and hair algae are covering my plants, green algae is on tank glass. I have DIY CO2, I cut...