butterfly betta

  1. C_Sage

    Is this a Marbled Butterfly Betta?

    About a week or so ago we bought a butterfly betta, he was dark blue almost black with translucent fins. The other day we noticed white patches starting to appear. We would like to know if he is sick or is he a marble? Thank you!
  2. G

    i need help with my butterfly betta

    My beautiful Pisces hasn’t been eating for almost a week. I tried feeding him freeze dried food (bloodworms, aqueon color enhancing pellets, mysis, daphnia, and even live bloodworms) nothing i feed him has worked. I tried the garlic treatment that helped a bit and he ate one pellet but that...
  3. T

    Butterfly Betta Fin Curl And White To Pink Fins

    I have had my Betta for about 3 months now. I started him in a 1 gallon tank without any filtration system but I've then (about October 1st, so 1 month after being in the first one) moved it up to a 2 gallon tank for the past 2 months and that is when I began to notice the tips of his fins...