aqua scape

  1. ember04

    azalea root aqauascape

    Hi everyone I recently completed an aquascape where the hardscape was azalea root. I joined a few pieces into a large interesting shape, as I was filling up the tank I realised that I had made a rooky mistake by not boiling the wood first, what an idiot. it was ok because I managed to get the...
  2. HoldenOn

    re doing my 29

    Hey all, I'm switching to sand for my bottom dwellers, and want to redo the aqua scape. Open to any suggestions, I have access to driftwood, plants and a lot of slate chunks. Please feel free to drop in!
  3. Zikofski

    Zikofski's Ada 60H (45) Iwagumi Tank Journal

    this is my second tank and i decided to take a different approach to this tank, usually i go for a jungle style tank densely planted and lots of difference species but wit this tank i had been inspired by a load of videos and pictures online of the Japanese Iwagumi style tanks so if i wanted to...
  4. B

    Aqua Scape Ideas For My Tank!

    Hiya everyone! I have a 240 gallon Fluval Roma tank with: One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W, T8 One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W, T8 A 300W heater Fluval 306 external filter At the moment the tank is up and running as a tropical tank with only fake decorations in it, no...
  5. P

    My 90 Litre Tank Journal/ Aquascape

    Hello all.   I have started various topics and followed loads of other's especially journals or aquascaping, combing for hints and ideas. I finally feel ready to attempt my own aqua scape.   I have a Marina 125 (90 litre) tank, currently has rainbow coloured gravel (chosen by the kids) with...