10 gallon tank

  1. A

    Fish Help!

    Hey guys, first time on a forum and looking for some help and or info, i currently have a red Betta named gimbal and ive had him for roughly 6 months and had absolutely no problems, hes extremely active eats often and seems extremely happy, however that all changed recently, we had him in a 3...
  2. TheLastMelon

    Please help ID Pleco!

    Hey, my pleco used to live in a 29 gallon tank but it is now in a ten gallon with two zebra danios and three shrimp. I've had it for two years and it hasn't grown any bigger than 3 to 4 inches. It is light brown/tan with a lot of subtle stripes. It has a more thin body build than most of the...
  3. LiizFish

    Platy fry not growing

    Hello, I have a single platy fry in my 10 gallon tank with one mystery snail and a bladder snail. She's been in this tank a little over a week and was born on February 27. We moved her to my tank from our 36 gallon tank because we feared she might get eaten. Since the move, she doesn't seem to...
  4. N

    Betta eats my Bottom feeders food...

    Hi guys, My new 10 gallon planted community tank is doing great...for the most part. It consists of one male betta 4 panda corys 3 Amanos and a nerite. My little ecosystem is actually going along great socially, perhaps too well because my betta has joined my school of corys. He follows them...
  5. F

    African Cichlid Tank - 10 Gallon?

    Anyone here have experience keeping African cichlids in a 10 gallon? I know it is often suggested to slightly overstock African cichlid tanks to disperse aggression. How many specimens would be a good number for my 10 gal? (I'll make sure there are plenty of nooks, crannies, and caves provided...
  6. S

    Platy Hiding

    A while back I was gone for 2 weeks on vacation. My 10gal tank had 2 male platies and 4 golden tetras. We came back, and one platy was completely missing, so we assumed it either died and was eaten somehow, or a cat got to it. Now though, the remaining platy hides constantly and only comes out...
  7. K

    Guppy Unusual Behavior

    Hi,    A few months ago I decided to transfer my two yellow-bellied sliders (turtles) into a new 50 gallon tank. So, the 10 gallon tank I had them in before I decided to put it into good use and begin keeping fish instead. I bought 3 male guppies, a tuxedo, blue (half-black) guppy, and a orange...
  8. sharkydog

    Celestial Pearl Danio(Galaxy Rasbora) Questions

    Just a quick, two part question: In a 10 gallon [heavily planted] tank, will 3 female celestial pearl danios be okay (because I've seen that the males can be aggressive), and will they be harmonious with either a single male betta(assuming that the individual betta will not harass them) or with...
  9. StellaThePlaty

    Pretty Fish For 10 Gallon Tank

    I have a new 10 gallon tank, and i want some different fish from my usual tetras and guppies. any suggestions?