Still flashing after treatment


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2021
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Hey guys! Not sure what I'm dealing with...stress, ich, etc but I've just finished a treatment for ick with Super Ick Cure and the fish are still flashing (not all of them, Gouramis and bristle nose pleco are fine)
One of my sharks split his pectoral fin from flashing so hard that's why I decided to treat. Unfortunately they are still flashing and I just found a white dot on the shark. I can't tell if it's cottony or not. They all still have great appetites and seem healthy otherwise. All water parameters are normal. Any suggestions? Sorry the video is so shaky.
I don't know. I heard that ich spots are usually around the size of a pinhead. I wish I could help more.
No worry's. Thank you for responding. Yeah, the white spot is definitely bigger then a pin head. I'm wondering if he injured himself again ?‍♀️
I dont think this is ich.
Ich or white spots are small like fine sand or salt.
You will also have a few white spots instead of just one.
When the fish is flashing, it could be flukes.(skin or gill flukes).
You can use Praziquantel for 1-1.5 month..
Dose once every 3-4 days or twice a week.
You can also remove the fish and put it in a bare tank for probably 30 mins dip with Potassium Permanganate(PP). Pour the PP until the water is light purple.

But once your fish is infected, the whole tank also need to be treated with Praziquantel.
I dont think this is ich.
Ich or white spots are small like fine sand or salt.
You will also have a few white spots instead of just one.
When the fish is flashing, it could be flukes.(skin or gill flukes).
You can use Praziquantel for 1-1.5 month..
Dose once every 3-4 days or twice a week.
You can also remove the fish and put it in a bare tank for probably 30 mins dip with Potassium Permanganate(PP). Pour the PP until the water is light purple.

But once your fish is infected, the whole tank also need to be treated with Praziquantel.
Is Praziquantel safe for my Bristlenose pleco? And is that medication vastly different from the Ick Cure I used?
It is a totally different medication. Ick Cure is to treat external protozoan parasites; praziquantel kills flat worms & flukes.

The anti worm medications are usually well tolerated by nearly all fish.
It is a totally different medication. Ick Cure is to treat external protozoan parasites; praziquantel kills flat worms & flukes.

The anti worm medications are usually well tolerated by nearly all fish.
Thank you! I will try it next.
How long did you treat the fish for white spot?
You need to continue treatment for 4 or 5 days after the last white spots have disappeared. This kills any new parasites after they hatch from their cysts in the gravel.

Did you have any carbon in the filter when you treated them?
Carbon will remove chemical medications from the water and stop them treating the fish.

Shine a torch on the fish after you turn the tank lights out. See if there is a yellow/ gold sheen over their body or fins. If there is, then they have velvet.
Is this a good one? My local fish store (PetSmart ?) doesn't carry it.


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How long did you treat the fish for white spot?
You need to continue treatment for 4 or 5 days after the last white spots have disappeared. This kills any new parasites after they hatch from their cysts in the gravel.

Did you have any carbon in the filter when you treated them?
Carbon will remove chemical medications from the water and stop them treating the fish.

Shine a torch on the fish after you turn the tank lights out. See if there is a yellow/ gold sheen over their body or fins. If there is, then they have velvet.
I'm not sure if white spot is the same as ick. I treated for ick per directions. One dose, wait 48hrs then second dose. I didn't want to do a second treatment if that's not what I'm dealing with. None of the fish had white spots until after treatment and only one fish was affected. It's the shark in the video. It's a rather large spot so I think it may be a wound from flashing.
By the way, how long have you seen this symptom of flashing in case it could be due to other thing?
It's been going on for a couple of months. Honestly, it seems ever since I put a new decoration in the tank and that's what they are flashing off of. They seem to only flash on that side of the tank but that could be because that's where the largest decoration is. It's just so bizzare because they are great eaters and acting normal otherwise. The two Gouramis and pleco aren't flashing and the others just do it at random times.

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