Gang of six - albino cories

June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Linda N

Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2018
Reaction score
Bosque Farms NM
I had posted this with my "tank of the month" entry until I re-read the directions and saw there was a 1 photo guideline. These guys all like to hang together in that front left corner. Sometimes one or two of them will be hiding in the skull.
gang of six - albino cory catfish.jpg
kitchen tank 2.jpg
gang of six - albino cory catfish.jpg
kitchen tank 2.jpg
gang of six - albino cory catfish.jpg
First picture, second fish from the right appears to be female. The others look like males.

You need a picture on the back of your tank, and some more plants to make it darker for the Cories. A couple of Water Sprite plants (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) would work well and if you get too many you can plant them in the substrate.
Thanks for the info. I did buy some water sprite fairly recently and within two weeks there was not a trace of it left in either of the tanks I put it in. I had all the lights on too in the kitchen which is pretty bright, when I took these pictures. . I have tried adding other floating plants too like frogbit, water spangles and water lettuce but even though I am a great gardener, I have sure killed a lot of freshwater aquarium plants. Most of the floating plants have just disappeared too or I scoop dead bits out. Any suggestions to improve my success with low maintenance plants would be appreciated.
Water Sprite and Duckweed are my choice for floating plants.

You have no fish in the tank that would destroy plants so you either got bad plants to begin with, or there was a major change in water temperature or chemistry between where they came from and your tank.

If the plants came from a cold water tank or pond and went into a tropical tank they can rot.
If the plants came from water with a high pH (above 8.0) and went into a tank with a low pH (below 7.0) or vice versa, they could die and rot.

Did you buy the plants from a pet shop or online?
Plants sold online can take several days to get shipped to your house and this can affect some plants, and it will certainly weaken them and make them more susceptible to temperature or water chemistry changes when you get them.

If you get plants online, try to have them shipped overnight and don't buy them when the weather is really hot or really cold.
"Gang of Six". I love that.:) Sounds like Chinese revolutionaries. But since they hang together maybe they are Yankee Running Dog (cat) Lackeys. So much to think about. The mind boggles.
I see a nice entry for our fish of the month contest starting around mid October. This month we are featuring Catfish only in the contest.. You can enter anything from dwarf cories to Plecos.
I ordered the plants online from Amazon - don't remember the exact supplier. It was pretty hot at the time I ordered them - probably in the 90's as I live in the high desert. I will give it another try. I keep trying to find local but there is a limited selection at the local fish store. I have gotten anacharis and hornwort at the local store and what I recently found out is anubias and they have all survived along with the marimo moss balls that I have in both tanks. The fish like to pick at them and eat whatever may be on the surface. In this tank I was not too concerned about not having a picture or cover on the back of the tank since it backs up to the wall. I don't have any issues with doing that but out of curiosity what is the purpose? I thought it was maybe to make the fish feel more secure if they can't see movement and activity through the back of the tank and with it being very close to the wall there isn't any.
Do you happen to use Excel fertilizer? It causes some plants to melt away. I love your cories. Adorable!
I haven't used any fertilizer but maybe that's contributing to my plant problem. I am going to try one I saw recommended on this site - will have to go back and find the name of it. Cories are my favorite - wish I could have more. I have a different smaller tank with pygmy cories and they are so cute.
My tanks all back up to walls and I don’t have backs on them. I actually have one tank on the kitchen bar and no back on it. The fish like to watch me do dishes. :)
LOL the left side of my aquarium faces the sink and when I am doing dishes they are all lined up there hoping I am going to feed them.

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