unidentified fish

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Feb 11, 2017
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I've been keeping zebra danios for several years. I just bought a few more and found this when I got home. I'm not sure what kind of fish it is or what it needs.
It's a black neon tetra.

It needs company of its own kind; if your tank is too small for another five or six, you should think about returning it, if you can catch it!

It's also a tropical fish; I don't know what temperature you keep your zebra danios at, but they really prefer water that's cooler than the tetra would want.
I haven't measured the temp. I have 6 danios and 3 cories (and apparently a tetra) in a 10 gallon aquarium and 5 guppies in another 10 gallon aquarium with 3 cories and an African Dwarf Frog. I do have an unused 5 gallon aquarium that I could have set up by Monday. (I'm not entirely sure I want to set up a third aquarium because I'll be moving in a few months, although I do have a friend willing to take them all.) On the other hand, I couldn't return the fish any sooner than Monday, either. Woukd it be okay until Monday afternoon?
Also found one of my danios looking like this this morning. It looks like the scales have been shed or torn off. The skin underneath looks resurfaced, nice and pink. No redness, drainage, or open places to indicate infection. He's hanging out near the top of the aquarium next to my filter. If another fish does come at him, he'll scoot away, but he ends right back where he started from. I haven't seen him eat. I've never any trouble with danios before!
That doesn't look good, tbh :/

That might need treating; I'd suggest an anti bacterial medication. You might need to separate it; in a net or container hung in the main tank to stop the other fish picking on it (fish can be quite savage towards sick or injured individuals).

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