Unknown Wrasse


New Member
Oct 13, 2010
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First off, would like to say hello to you all.
I'm new to this forum and marines.

I bought this wrasse a week ago now, and the girl in the LFS wasn't sure exactly what it was. No problem I thought I'll look it up when I get home. However as yet I have been unable to find any pictures that show the same colours and markings. Also since I've got him he has had white spots appear around his face. Theres nothing on any fins and the clown in the tank isn't showing any signs of anything.
I've lowered the salinity to 1.018 as a precaution incase it was ich. This has taken three days to get it down to that and as yet, I've not noticed it get any worse.
I'd appreciate any thoughts as to what he might be and also what the spots could be. He never stays still long enough to get a decent look or pictures of him.


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:hi: to TFF and the salty side

Can you describe the wrasse as the photo is not good :sad:

there a few fish that spring to mind, but we really need to know about coliur and markings?

For a starter, try the royal pencil wrasse

Seffie x

ps how about starting a journel or thread about your tank?
Hi, thanks for the reply.

Sorry about the poor photo. Would love to know how you all manage to get such good pictures.

I've attached another photo that hopefully shows his markings and colours better.

He has a pure white underside that runs his full length and comes about halfway up his body.
He has a purple head that then runs into alternating yellow and purple stripes that then fade into yellow that runs down to his tail.
The white spots on his face appear symetrical so I dont think its ich now. However saying that he is still flashing on the rocks and substrate every now and then.

I dropped a load of feeder shrimps in there today and he went mad. Grabbed one, went straight over to a rock and started hitting it on the rock trying to break it apart.


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It is so difficult to tell from the photo - some wrasse lose colour when stressed. How big is s/he?

I am starting to wonder if it is a 'mute' :p maybe a flasher wrasse as they interbreed giving some strange combinations of colour, does he flash at other fish or his reflection?

Seffie x
I keep calling it a he, whether he is or not is another matter.

He's about 3 inches long, and I've not noticed him flash at other fish or his reflection although the only other fish in there at the moment are a clown and a dragonet scooter. He's appears to be quite a character and will come to the front of the tank when I appear and spends most of his time studying the rock, he goes ovr onto his side and you can see his eye looking around the underside of the rock. He also takes himself off to bed at about 8pm when I turn the main light off in the tank and leave the blue on.

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