Plants for 1 gallon

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Mar 23, 2003
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All right, so here's the info:

1 gallon w/ UG filter, 5W light, medium-large gravel almost 1" thick. Houses 1 male betta.

Plants I'd like to put in, and how I'd like to plant them.

1. java moss: plunk it in and see how it grows; evetntually I'd like it as a cover for the gravel
2. java fern: attach to samll piece of driftwood
3. small var. of unkown crypt from lfs: put in flower pot with some gravel
4. sagittaria subulata
- I don't know if I can have this with the UG filter
- I know it can get quite large, but I am willing to do lots of pruning
- I just want a couple strands (like in Freshmike's 2.5er: see pic below)
<-- freshmikes 2.5er

Do you think this will make it too densely populated for my betta to swim? All comments welcome :)
I have a betta in half a 2.5 gallon with 1 big java fern and 2 small ones. Plenty of room even if he couldn't swim between the leaves.

My java moss is under 14W (in a 5.5 gallon) and it's doing ok but I wouldn't say it's prospering. It's the only plant in there I noticed a significant change in when I stopped my CO2 injection. It doesn't try to attach itself very much anymore. Hopefully there isn't anything wrong with it.
But do you think 4 different species of plants will overcrowd a 1 gallon? :/

I'm not going to bother with CO2 injection. I don't use it in my 5 gallon, and the plants are doing well.

TIA :)
Wow Silly_me, looks great :hyper:

I'll try all the plants and see how my betta likes them. I can always move them to a different tank later.

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