Breeding 10 gallon Stocking


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Oct 12, 2022
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I am looking to restock an one of my ten gallon tanks. It is planted and currently housing 3 kuhli loaches. I am wanting a breeding pair/ centerpiece fish. I am not wanting an livebearers or bettas as i already have those tanks. Any ideas? The kuhli loaches can be moved if need be.
Any one have experience with breeding killifish in a 10 gallon?
Nope, I haven't, but we happen to have a killi expert here! We're lucky that way. @GaryE is your man for all things killi!
Tens are usually ideal, depending on which killifish species. It's the size I use for my Aphyosemions.
How many would you do? I’m now considering the Fundulopanchex Gardneri. Then I’d move the kuhlis into a different tank.
I have gardneris in a 10 now. I would put a male and 2 females in with lots of plants, a good cover (they jump) and lots of floating plants and java moss. Then wait. You'll have a group in no time.


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Any one have experience with breeding killifish in a 10 gallon?
I have and currently keeping many species of killifish in 10 gallon tanks. So far, I have Aphyosemion hera, Aphyosemion calliurum, Aphyosemion splendopleure, Aphyosemion sp. "Lobaye," Aphyosemion striatum, Aphyosemion bitaeniatum, Fundulopanchax scheeli, Fundulopanchax oeseri, Fundulopanchax gardneri, Fundulopanchax gresensi, and Fundulopanchax sjoestedti. All of which are in 10 gallon tanks and I have success in getting eggs from all with the exception of F. sjoestedti, though I believe they are a little young to produce any eggs.
Similar to @Crispii - I have 32 10 gallons with killies, almost all Aphyosemions.

@Crispii - work with those oeseri - they may be extinct in nature.

I have Aphyosemion striatum, gabunense, zygaima, cameronense, biteniatum, poliaki, volcanum, exiguum exigoideum, ottogartneri, sp COFE 10-23, ogoense, dargei, hera, citrineipinnis, fellmanni and Fp gardneri, all in 10s for breeding. Several of those species have been here from 10 to 30 years - some are recent arrivals. It can be done... I also use tanks from 5 gallons for some to 40 gallons for others or for large groups.
I am looking to restock an one of my ten gallon tanks. It is planted and currently housing 3 kuhli loaches. I am wanting a breeding pair/ centerpiece fish. I am not wanting an livebearers or bettas as i already have those tanks. Any ideas? The kuhli loaches can be moved if need be.
Possible to do bristlenose but they do produce alot of can be Abit to small but just watch your parameters and do lots of water changes
ok no bristle nose then i was just thinking a pair

I understand the urge, but I wouldn't keep a pleco, even a bristlenose, in a ten gallon, and a pair would definitely be overwhelming, not to mention the hundreds of fry they can produce. Most that I've seen breeding plecos use a 40g breeder or larger. They're a fish that eat a lot and poop a lot, and having them with that high of a bioload in a 10g is asking for trouble. It's good that you're willing to reconsider and decide against it! Not everyone is open to advice like that, so good on you. :)
I have gardneris in a 10 now. I would put a male and 2 females in with lots of plants, a good cover (they jump) and lots of floating plants and java moss. Then wait. You'll have a group in no time.
are you breeding them

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