Trying to sex my ram


New Member
Jul 5, 2020
Reaction score
Newcastle, UK
Hey, bought a pair of rams and one sadly passed away and I’m trying to work out the sex of the remaining one but I’m struggling, anyone got a clue?


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So your tank is not cycled then? What are your water parameters?
My tank had been established for about a year with great success but I made a few rookie errors while moving house with my tank resulting in the death of the ram. Thanks for answering my question tho :)
My tank had been established for about a year with great success but I made a few rookie errors while moving house with my tank resulting in the death of the ram. Thanks for answering my question tho :)
What are your water parameters? Over the year something could crash explaining the ammonia spike.
Looking to the future with the one ram, it is best to leave him on his own, i.e., do not consider getting another ram. This fish must select its mate and bond. The one that died may have got along temporarily if not permanently had it lived, but that is the exception.

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