yay! new tank!


Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England

I just won this fish tank for £4.20....bargain!!

Cant wait to get it set up and cycled and have some froggies!!

:kana: :kana: :kana: Don't mind me while I do a little dance of excitement round the room...
Congrats looks awesome! You'll have to post some pics if you can. How many little froggie friends are you going to put in there?
I cant decide whether to get just frogs or a frog and a betta, but I think i'm swaying towards just the frogs. 30litres works out to around 7/8 gallons i think so I'll start with 4 froggies once its cycled and go from there:)

Luckily I'm still learning stuff from this post so by the time the tank is ready for them I should be all knowing!! or at least, not quite as likely to kill the poor things :)
I think a dwarf only tank would be really neat. That way you can have more, than if you were to put a betta in with them.

I'm actually debating the same thing for my 10 gallon right. I have a betta in in a 2 gallon at work, and I dont know if I want to try to breed him in the 10 gallon since he's such a looker or if I want to put frogs in it!

OH THE DECISIONS! when a new tank is involved! :D :rolleyes:

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