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Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hey all,
I've been debating this question for about a week now.

I have a newer 10 gallon aquarium. Which had 2 platties and 2 skunk cory's. Well when I added some plants it crashed big time and I was forced to move the two platties and 2 skunk corys over to my 55 gallon. Well low and behold the platties and cory's are loving the 55 gallon and i do not have the heart to move them back to the tiny 10 gallon.

So I was thinking I could move my Betta Stevie who is currently at work with me in a 2 gallon, home to the 10 gallon.

I guess what I am worried about is the fact that I have had him for about a year now, and spending 40 hours a week with him, I am very very fond of him. Since the 10 gallon is not cycled (since I have to start it over) do you think it would be wise to move him into it? It has a heater and mini penguin bio-wheel filter and air pump. (I know I probably shouldn't use the air pump since the filter would create surface movement and he wont like that very much.

My second question is, Do you think after about a month or so, it would be ok to add some pygmy cories in with him? Or do you think since he has been alone for awhile he would try to kill them?

He is a very peaceful betta and never ever flares or gets aggressive.

So what do you guys think?!

Thanks bunches for your responses in advance! :D
Does he flare at his own reflection? If you heavily plant the tank, then it would be okay to place compatible species in there.
Nope he doesn't
I put a mirror up to his tank and he just looked at it, like yeah so what!

The only thing he has ever flared at his the eraser on the end of a pencil.

My betta at home flares at everything.

But is it ok to put him the uncycled tank.
just fill the tank with water and leave it overnight.. then let him adjust blah blah then put him in and see how he is....

are the cories you have skunk boita ?
Sounds Good. I didn't think it would be too much of a spike with one betta, but i wanted to make sure.

I think he will move this coming weekend. and Maybe I will just add 2 ADF's in a few months. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks for the replies!

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