Worms In Tank?!?!


Mostly New Member
Dec 30, 2013
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I have a bottle filled with old tank water from my betta tank that I give once or tiwice a week to a couple of my plants. And I looked in th bottle today, it has worms in it, they're no thicker than a hair and are like an 1/8inch long. I've also noticed these weird things in my community tank when I use the gravel cleaner. Do my fish have worms? Do I need to find a dewormer for my fish or do these naturally occur in where the water is not moving? How do I get rid of them? I've recently done a round of anti-ick(comunity tank) and anti-fungal(betta tank) treatment I don't know where these things are coming from.
I don't feed live or frozen food, I use freeze-dried and flake.
I do 20% water change once a week, unless i'm doing a treatment which means I will do 20% every other day. And once a month a 50% water change. Except with the betta, she gets a daily 100% water change.
I test the water with a liquid kit by API.
pH of 7.4
Ammonia of .0ppm
Nitrite of .0ppm
Nitrate of 10ppm
They are probably planaria, over feeding is often the cause. They won't harm the fish, and some fish like to snack on them :)
They sound like detrius worms and they are not harmful at all.  Most fish will eat them and they occur in most tanks.  They are not from your fish so they are not a parasite you have to treat the fish for.

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