Who's Been At My Plants?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2006
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I've had a nice planted set up going for 4-5 months now, and just recently one of my tank inhabitants has developed a habit of munching straight through the stalks of greenery during the night. It's come to the point where each morning I have to net out a decent sized bit of plant.
The tank inhabitants have remaind unchanged for a good while (six-eight weeks) being medium sized platys, neons and penguin tetras and an amano shrimp. The only change there being the amano bought to replace another one who went to the great scampi plate in the sky. I had suspected the shrimp of being the suspect but he's literally tiny (about the size of two baked beans).
So perhaps it's bad diet that's causing the herbicide, I feed with tetra flakes and some pellets each day, morning and evening; six days a week. On the seventh a bit of cucumber and a bit of lettuce both of which dissapear quite quickly.
Any suggestions on who the culprit is and what to do?
i had the same problem, so all my real plants are of the thick leaf type, they seem to be ok,
you are giving them a pretty good diet, they may like to try some frozen shrimp brine or blood worms to.
all the best donna :) .
i probably would suspect the platys No 1. if you provide lettuce for them on a reg basis this may help kurb their 'gardening' tendencies.
i use romaine (or kos) lettuce. pour boiling water on it & leave it for about 15 mins, cool it & attatch to your tank wall with a suction clip (from any lfs) or wedge it under a rock or something. gives them something to graze on & hopefully they'll leave your plants alone.
ive found out through trial & error what plants get munched & what doesnt. i recently bought a red tiger lily plant & have watched our female swordie regulary nibble on it & what was a fab looking specimen is now down to 4 rather straggley leaves(wont be getting another of these!!!)
amanos will also enjoy the lettuce & they also love algae & catfish tablets to supplement their diet.
our swordies when i first got them had a bad habit of munching plants, i now konow what they dont eat - java fern,anubis,common hornwort,amazon swords & this is what i stick to in our tank now. i also provide a lettuce leaf at least once a week for our fish & find even our yoyo loaches enjoy it.
good luck

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