White Wavy Algae Spreading Rapidly In New 5Day Old Tank (Cycling)!


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2013
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I am new to the forums so I hope I am posting in the right place.  I am currently undertaking a fishless cycle but have a handful of plants in the tank for interest, leaving the lights on for around 4 hours a day.
I noticed yesterday a small area of what looks like a silky white algae growing from the grit at the bottom of the tank.  Today there is around 1000% more of the stuff, seems to be mainly in gravel but thin layer on all the ornaments too...I have taken a photo (attached), I can take a small video and load to YouTube if that helps.
Any ideas?  I am really hoping I do not have to start again already

Thanks for any advice.
As you can see below its the blurry looking stuff at the bottom of the screen - The 2nd picture is with the pump off, may help identify it better.

Looks more like mould, how are you cycling the tank? I know that some people use fish food to build up the ammonia, which results in it rotting and causing mould :'(
Maybe try sucking it off with a gravel vacuum? Or just leave it as it will die off once your cycle is complete. If you choose to remove it, try to take as little water out as possible as it will mess with your cycle.
Thanks for the quick reply. I am cycling my tank with pure ammonia (9.5% ammonia with water) so I am adding no food.  For the first few days I was using Interpet Filter Start but have decided to discontinue this as it looks to be for cycling with fish - Maybe it is related to this product?
I agree it looks like mould, I am hoping it might stop naturally as I do not want to disturb my cycle.  It seems to have spread even more overnight and now forming on bottom 2 inches of the aquarium glass.
I would just leave it for now and wait until your tank cycles. Your first fish could be a group of otos or cherry shrimp which will probably Hoover it up for you ;-)
It probably arrived in your tank from the plants.
That sounds like good advice, many thanks!  I do suspect your right that it arrived with the plants, the LFS was pets at home and needless to say the stock did not look the best. 
Sorry to bump an older post but I'm also seeing this similar effect in my tank.

Jay, how did you combat yours in the end and did it clear up?

I'm currently going through a fish in cycle (mum bought fish for my new tank) so I suspect I may have caused it due to possible over feeding (I've tried to be careful) or potentially from some new plants I bought (I believe this to be more likely).

I've also got a pale cloudy mist floating around in my tank too. Any suggestions anyone?

Before and after the mist stuff appeared, about a day after new plants went in.

I know it's not that clear to see exactly what I mean but it's obvious it's cloudy/misty. Before I could see from one end of the tank and out the other, but now I cannot. Ammonia is 0.25ppm nitrite and nitrate both 0.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks all.

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