Which blue ram?

F 1

Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
How do these fish differ?

Papiliochromis ramirezi ** Microgeophagus ramirezi ** Apistogramma ramirez

I bought a 'blue ram' today and I'm wondering which it is, if not another.

those name are what the ram has previously been classfied under, they are all the same

i think it is currently classifed as Microgeophagus ramirezi
Doggfather said:
those name are what the ram has previously been classfied under, they are all the same

i think it is currently classifed as Microgeophagus ramirezi
Dogfather is right .They are the same fish . Back in the 1970's rams were classified as apistos[CICHLIDS OF THE WORLD by DR. Robert J . Goldstein , 1973], , and were also called dwarf butterfly cichlids [CICHLIDS , ACOMPLETE PET OWNERS MANUAL , Barron's 1990-91] It wasn't until about 6 or 7 years ago that I first saw bolivians , sold to me as crown ruby cichlids . Only 2 types[ species] of fish so many names .

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