What type of snail would be suitable for a planted tank?

How big is your tank? What else do you have? I'm partial to ramshorn snails myself, but all the recommendations here are good, and even pond snails can be nice. It just depends on what you want.
13 gallons. Nothing else yet, I‘m silent cycling.
Mine definitely don't, I have 4 and my plants are doing great. Maybe some species do?
Oh, I just reread the post and I thought you wrote Yellow Apple Snail haha
The term "apple snail" includes several species. In the US, Pomacea diffusa is 'mystery snail'. Before they were banned in the UK, this snail was called brig apple snail (brig from the name P. diffusa used to be called). Apple snails in the US are P. canaliculata (I think) while in the UK they were called cana apple snails. Now we can buy them again in the UK, we seem to have adopted the American names. Other countries may use different names again.

To be clear, P. diffusa grows to around the size of a golf ball and does not usually eat plants. P. canaliculata grows to the size of a tennis ball and does eat live plants.
These are the two most commonly sold Pomacea snails, though other species can be found in stores.

This site is very informative. it takes a while to load as it no longer exists so we have to load it via Wayback Machine.
Oh, I just reread the post and I thought you wrote Yellow Apple Snail haha
Mine are pink and purple ones (not scientific I know lol), I did check the scientific name before buying them but can't recall it now. I am guessing that they must be P. Diffusa, as they seem to leave my plants alone.

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