What To Put In 125g


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2006
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when i move at the end of the month ill be setting up my 125 again. i have a med irridecent cat and some large silver dollars in a 40breeder right now im planning to move in. what else could i do. i want to stay away from a 1 fish tank. i like preds and odballs. i wanted a ray but the tank would maybe just be enough to fit one. also something with a mouth small enough so m fish wont be a meal lol.
so im guessing the tank is around 4x2x2? its not big enough for any ray, also the irridescent shark catfish will get well to big for the tank.
there is a large variety of fish that would do fine in the tank with the silver dollars, maybe a nice plec, polypterus, a pair or a group of medium sized cichlids, something like geophagus brasiliensis or similar, there is many options, too many to list really!

yea i know how big the ir/cat will get huge. whats a bgkf?
ah ok, yea those are pretty cool. my last thought is my ir/cat, bunch of silver dollars and some buenos areis tetras, black ghost knife and maybe a tiger shovlenose. i had a lima a while back and it was cool but a tiger is even cooler. my lfs gets 3" ones all the time. just nabbed a 55 setup at a grage sale with a fluval 204. best $20 i spent all week. think im gonna get some piranha again for that.
An irridescent shark and a tsn will get too big for that. A tsn will eat all your tetras and possibly your bgk when it is smaller anyways.

Glad you were able to get such a great deal on the 55g! Any idea as to what piranha you are going to put in it?
how different isthe temperment from the lima to the tiger? my lima only ate what fir in its mouth. i had it in a 75 with a silver arrow, some tiger barbs and a jade goby.

probbalyjust basic reds in the 55. i could go to the shark aquarium on 22 and get something else but i dont feel like spending $100 a fish. or maybe ill get a bunch of plants and a shoal of exos.
I've never kept one but from what I understand they are peaceful but will eat what fits in its mouth.

If you are going to keeps rbp's in a 55g, I'd just go with one fish. 3 8" piranhas in 55g is a bit much imo.

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