What to do?


Jul 22, 2004
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I've got that nasty black, hairy algae on some of my plants and I've been combatting it by removing the plant leaves that look the worst. I don't want to keep doing that because, well, it's only a temporary fix and my plants are getting smaller - not bigger! :blink:

I did some research and found that siamese algea eaters will get rid of it but they'll get way too big for my little 12g tank (5-6 inch each)! Two of those and that's the bio load of my tank! :crazy:

any ideas anyone?
try balancing your tank :) nitrates keep em low or get plants that use up your nitrates well :) im currently trying to lower the nitrates in my tank and in the process (of constantly changing the water) im starting to notice s drop in algae blooms, i am yet to go around and purchase fast growing plants :) nitrates is not the only factor :)

here is a good site that talks about algae control :) there are a lot of sites that would give you valuable information on combating algae :)
Phosphate also causes alage blooms. I think that is my problem; my nitrates are FAR too low to be causing the alage problems I'm getting. I have <10 ppm nitrates due to plants and low fish stocking. No water changes in months, but when I did try intensive water changes the alage just kept going.

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