What Kind

My pair live with Angelfish and Bosemani Rainbowfish - all get on okay, pretty much ignore each other with no problems, although have noticed the Parrots swimming quite happily with the Angels the past week - weird, lol
i heaerd you cant have other fish with cichlids.

Parrot fish are cichlids. So if you believe cichlids cannot be kept with other fish, you shouldn't bother asking your initial question :p

My point was actually just to say that there are MANY different cichlids. If you do a quick search of the forums and look up Neolamprologus multifasciatus, for example, and then consider oscars, angelfish, discus and rams - and then look at the ones you probably have in mind - things like green terrors, mbuna etc, you'll appreciate just how much variety there is within this group of fishes.
i had one for a while in a community tank and it destroyed a guppy and so i put it in my malawi tank where it lived for the next 3 months when it died when i had power outage at night.he held his own with the malawi and even chased them around.he was about 3-4 inches and so were they
Just a quick list of cichlids that can mix with parrots IMO;
Golden severums,
Eletric yellow cichlid,
Blue acaras,
Oscar & maybe
Maybe GT /JD

Dithers & Non cichlid tank mates
Silver dollars,
Nearly all rainbow fish,
Large gouramis,
Large tetrass
and most fast non aggresive fish above 3'

Ideal catfishes ;
Platydorus costatous (Raphael catfish),
Hardy plecos,
and i don't really know of any more because i havn't mixed them.

|Hope it helps a bit.
When i had cichlids i have a catfish. I dont remmember the species but it was similar to a cory.

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