What is the most common guppy/endler variety you have kept?


May 9, 2023
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Perth, Australia
Since my last post blew up in popularity, I wanted to ask the question that everyone knows. What is the most common guppy/endler variety you have kept or still keeping today?
Aside from mutts? Yellow tiger endlers.
Here are some commercial guppies of mine but still nice:
IMG_5968.JPG Red cobra guppy
IMG_6930.JPG Blue tail guppy
IMG_0756.JPG Micariff guppy

IMG_0127.JPGFlamingo guppy
IMG_7473.JPG Blue cobra guppy

IMG_7532.JPG Swallow red leopard platinum snakechest guppy
DSCF3254.JPG Multicolor guppies
IMG_6492.JPG Yellow tuxedo guppy (blond based)
IMG_5728.JPGMetal lace guppy

IMG_6320.JPG Dwarf panda guppy

IMG_6634.JPG Dragon guppy
And here are some commercial endler and endler hybrids of mine:
livebearer7 399.jpgCampoma blue star, French blue, Blue voisin

livebearer5 095a.jpgYellow saddleback hybrid endler

livebearer3 218a.jpg Cumana red chest endler
livebearer3 186.jpg Cobra endler hybrid
DSCF3985.JPG Chili endler hybrid, red scarlet endler hybrid

DSCF3938.JPGCumana black bar endler

IMG_7428.JPG Tiger endler hybrid (the top fish in this photo)
And here are some commercial endler and endler hybrids of mine:
View attachment 320789Campoma blue star, French blue, Blue voisin

View attachment 320790Yellow saddleback hybrid endler

View attachment 320791 Cumana red chest endler
View attachment 320792 Cobra endler hybrid
View attachment 320793 Chili endler hybrid, red scarlet endler hybrid

View attachment 320794Cumana black bar endler

View attachment 320795 Tiger endler hybrid (the top fish in this photo)
You must have a huge fish room. You’ve done a lot of good work with these.
You must have a huge fish room. You’ve done a lot of good work with these.
These which I've just shown are just a few strains I keep. So, there are way more strains swimming overhere...
I'm guessing you can only have one pair per tank when you are determining if they breed true? So maybe you mix in other dissimilar species so you can save on total tank numbers but its mind boggling
I'm guessing you can only have one pair per tank when you are determining if they breed true? So maybe you mix in other dissimilar species so you can save on total tank numbers but its mind boggling
I've got more tanks than the average aquarist at home.
The last time I went to a serious smalltime commercial guppy breeder's set up (he supplied a lot of local stores) he had 300 3.5 gallon tanks for breeding pairs, and a two level set up of 20 gallon growouts. The racks were so high he worked on a ladder.

He was shutting down and selling tanks because he had realized that his large, windowless garage that had already been visited by the police because of its heat signature probably wouldn't be visited again and he could make more money growing some kind of plant.

I don't know how that worked out for him. He had nice guppies though.

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