What fish do I want?!

Nz C

New Member
Oct 6, 2018
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I have 10” worth of bioloading space in my tank and am after suggestions for what I can add please. I already have 8 neons, 3 corys ( I would like to make this 5 or 6), 1 female dwarf rainbowfish, 1 female betta and an algae eater.

My requirements for the new fish are that they are truly peaceful in temperament, swim in the top half of the tank, bigger than the other fish to provide something different to look at (obviously not too big as I only have 10” to play with) and are ‘interesting’ to an extent.
I was thinking 2 pearl gourami but husband tells me they ‘don’t do a lot’.
I was also thinking of getting the rainbowfish some friends but the family want something different.

Any ideas? Tia.
How big is the tank (length x width x height)?
What is the pH and GH of the water?

Rainbowfish, Cories and neons are schooling fish that need to be kept in groups. If the tank is big enough then get 6-10 rainbowfish, a few more neons and some more Corydoras.
I have 10” worth of bioloading space in my tank
Are you referring to the inch of fish per gallon rule? If so that rule is nonsense.

My requirements for the new fish are that they are truly peaceful in temperament,

1 female betta

This may or may not work, depends on the female some are just as aggressive as the males.
Hi Colin,
It’s 920 x 410 x 550mm. I don’t think I’ve got room for everything you said..........would love them though.
Hi nick, yes I was. I didn’t know this is nonsense as people still seem pretty set on it! What’s the latest idea on how many is ok?!

My betta seems very peaceful at the moment, I realise she has the top to herself, but she spends a lot of time all over the bottom, and isn’t showing any aggression to the others.
Sorry forgot the other qs. Ph is 7.2 but I don’t know what the gh and Kh are. I’ve searched the water suppliers website but can’t find any answers. It is known as soft water with few minerals here though. I know that’s useless sorry.

At best that rule applies to small linear fish like Tetras and Kuhli Loaches and forgets to take into account that fish grow, Most of the fish we buy from where ever are young fish and these fish will grow.

As an example of fish growth.
When I got my Bumblebee Gobys they were tiny, Now they are almost as big as a female Betta. No Im not kidding.

This is Nemesis she didnt like sorority life, She loves sharing with the BBG's,

My betta seems very peaceful at the moment, I realise she has the top to herself, but she spends a lot of time all over the bottom, and isn’t showing any aggression to the others.
She might be fine,

It’s 920 x 410 x 550mm.
About 200 liters, 3 foot long.
I was working on the adult length they will get to, not the length they are now. Is that still no good?
Your tank will be fine for the fish I mentioned.

You could have 10-15 neon tetras, 8-10 cories, 8 Melanotaenia praecox (neon dwarf rainbow), the female Betta and an algae eating catfish that grows to about 4 inches.

I am unsure what algae eater you currently have but a Bristlenose catfish or something along those lines will be fine. If you have a Chinese algae eater, they can get big and I would replace it with something smaller.

I wouldn't keep pearl gouramis if you keep neons, the gouramis can get big (4-5 inches) and might eat the neon tetras.

You can take a glass full of tap water to the local pet shop and ask them to test the general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH) for you. Write the results down (in numbers) when they do the test and post them here.

If your GH is less than 100ppm you might need to increase it a bit if you want more rainbowfish. :)
I wouldnt keep Gouramis and a Betta in the same tank, that will result in the death of the Betta.
Thanks for your advice. I got 6 more cories, and 3 more dwarf rainbows. I’ll get more rainbows in a few weeks, I don’t want to overload the tank too much in one go.

Yes I think it is an algae eater and I will be rehousing him at some point. Not only is he too big but he’s too boisterous too. The guy in the fish shop said to get 3 or 4 otos instead. Good advice?
Otocinclus catfish are fine but need an established tank that has been running for several months, and they need some driftwood. In fact all suckermouth catfish (including Chinese algae eaters) need driftwood to graze on and help their digestion.

Otocinclus are fine in groups and don't get very big so a group of 4-8 would make a nice addition to the tank.

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