Well Im Off


Let's Be Friends
Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
Sendinx my laptop to txe manufacturers now

Ill be away for a week or two

talk to you xuys later

dont break anytxinx

dont die

xet your pets spayed or neutered
hope to have you back soon!

btw i should laugh but you're last few threads have made me smile.
Hope it gets sorted soon, though it has been fun reading your threads lately, once I realised the x's were in place of other letters.
Get back quickly
And now I'm on here on my phone XD its a bit less convenient, but it works. Now instead of missing g's and h's you might find a few horrifying auto correct mistakes
And now I'm on here on my phone XD its a bit less convenient, but it works. Now instead of missing g's and h's you might find a few horrifying auto correct mistakes

Looking forward to them....
Yeah autocorrect can be both annoying and helpful. I've got it too.
aaand I'm back, still kinda getting used to having working buttons again, and a computer, at that.
aaand I'm back, still kinda getting used to having working buttons again, and a computer, at that.

It's xreat to xave you back xere witx us, Onidrase, xlad to xear txat txe keyboard xas been sorted. Xappy fisxcxat!

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