well, i decided to try to breed...but i've got Q's

good.....i was starting to think i had a herm betta or something....or maybe a male that for some unknown reason happened to look like a girl, and was swimmin along with all the other girls in the tank....

i was seriously startin to think she was a *HE*! lol.

i'm also thinkin right now to get a diff girl....AFTER i got the girl, i read somethin that said that she should either be the same size, or smaller than the male. she's a good sized gal. i was wonderin if the store would let me trade her in for a different girl.

ok, before you continue, can small betta's breed? i seen some, and didn't get them cuz they looked really young...maybe 1/2 or 1/3 the size of the female i got now.
never heard of size being a problem with bettas...you can tell if a betta is female by looking at her stomach and seeing if there is a small white tube visible (that's where the eggs come out).

Though if it's possible i would try to get a betta around the same size as the male. It's probably a bad idea to insist on breeding them if you dont' know enough about the reproduction process :no:
It's best that the male be larger than the female or at least the same size because if this isn't the case, he will have trouble embracing her properly and the eggs won't get fertilized. It's not unusual to have an aggressive female, ocassionally she'll even kill the male (but more often it's the other way around). What you need to do is read up more on breeding. It's always a good idea when researching something to read many opinions, not just one, who's to say the one you read was right? When I was researching breeding (before I got into it) I read countless websites about it, and every one was a little different (ever breeder has their own little quirks and ways of doing things). Don't try to just get the basics and learn as you go, you're only putting the fish at risk, learn all you can and be sure you're ready, it's not something to rush into (I researched and prepared for 2 months before I even got my first breeding pair). All these things you're asking could be answered with a little research on your part. I'm not trying to knock you, just trying to get you to realize what you need to do before you take the breeding plunge.

well...this female doesn't seem to be afraid of any of the males....not even my older and bigger ones.

this is off subject, BUT....my older betta, dragon, is large compared to the newer ones, and the same size as my other older betta, scraggle. well, normally, and very randomly he decides to flare at his 6 month neighbor, acting like he's the real macho man. WELL....i decided to see wut macho woman and macho man would do if they met. he looked at her through the plastic, and flared VERY little. for some reason, she showed more of a reaction to him, than to any of the other fish. she acted like he was her sworn enemy or somethin. but NE WAY...i actually put the two together with no seperation. and as soon as she saw him, she dashed at him real fast, then stopped right in front of his face and flared like crazy. and you know wut macho man does? he turns around! so more flaring went on, and he refused to flare, fight, or have anything to do with her! that really suprised me...but i guess some fish are all talk!:lol: (don't worry...no one got hurt during this time together)
also you said you just got your bettas-you should not rush new bettas into breeding (give them at least a month-and you can research some more about breeding) they probably will not breed since they are probably stressed.
please do not try to learn from experience when you can easily learn from others-you will just be jeopardizing the lives of yuor bettas and fry.
unless you plan on keeping the fry-theres not much you can do with them as they sound like they are mutts or veiltails. please do not propogate bad betta genes! if you are going to breed them, purchase good stock!
i hope you really reconsider. i spent 5 months researching every day before i started breeding and still have problems sometimes. i really urge you to research more. start at bettatalk.com
first thing that you have to do is make a breeding tank for them with a submersible(?) heater, 6-8 inches of water, 1/2 plastic or other cup, also if you shoose a sponge filter. You need to put the heater underneath the water and make it 80F. Tape the verticle cut cup the the front or back side of the aquarium corner. Put the sponge filter also on the side of the aquarium but do not turn it on till after the fry are there. Release the male into the tank and let him get comfortable in the tank and he may start building his nest underneath. Then add the female in a jar or chimmney vase for a while and then she will see the male and start to flare because she will be scared. After awhile she may show verticle stripes which is a good sign that she wants to breed. May this process should take a day or two to let them adjust to there new home for a bit. When the females looks fat and full of eggs she may have a whitness in her belly. If this happends and they are kinda swimming together as she is in the chimmney or jar let her loose. He may just start building the nest just before spawning. SHe will come over and see if she likes the nest. IF she doesnt she may destroy it and he will have to build her a new one. Once she seems that its fit. She will swim under the nest with a head down dance and the male will go with her. There may be some nipping and tearing but that is just the way they do it. They will then get into postion and he will rap himself around her and squeeze the eggs. They will fall and he will pick them up along with the females help(maybe). Then remove the female right away so he doesnt get attacked. He will do the rest till the babies are freeswimming.

Make sure that the are conditioned with plenty of good foods and show signs of breeding. Once you have released the female it may take anwhere to 1 week for them to spawn so dont think that it happens ove night. Once the eggs hatch you may want to read up on that becaus that is a whole new ball game.

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