Water Test Done, What's Next?


Mostly New Member
Jan 22, 2016
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I would be very grateful if somebody could give me some reassurance on fishless cycling.
I will start by outlining my set up and what I've done so far.
465L tank, X6 Fluval canister filter, good oxygenating air stone, 26 degrees water temperature, sand substrate and LED lighting. I did have 10 plants but they looked a bit ropey after a couple of days so I removed them.
The tank is filled with a 50% de-chlorinated tap water and 50% RO water. I added Bio-Boost for the first 3 days as per manufacturers instructions. After an initial (slight) bloom the tank is now crystal clear. I carried out my fist water test this morning (day 4) and got the following results 
PH  7.5
KH  4
GH  9
Nh3 ammonia 0.00 mg/L
No2 Nitrite      0.0 mg/L
No3 Nitrate     10.0 mg/L
Po4  Phosphate 0.5 mg/L
I will be adding a large piece of driftwood in a few days after I've soaked some of the stain out of it.
My question is, should I be adding ammonia to feed the bacteria or is it too soon?
Thanks in anticipation.
You should feed ammonia to the tank immediately.  There is no 'too soon' for ammonia dosing, only 'too soon' for fish additions.
I assume Bio-boost is the bottled 'beneficial bacteria'?
Like Eagle said, just add ammonia to get 2-3 ppm then wait 2 days and retest.
No point testing for Nitrite or Nitrate yet, its just a waste of your test solutions.
Test Ammonia only..daily... 
when ammonia starts dropping start testing for Nitrite..
when Nitrites starts dropping, test for Nitrate.
when ammonia drops to 0.25 or lower, redose 2-3ppm...

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