🐶 POTM Vote Now! - November 2022 Pet of the Month Contest

Vote Now for November 2022 Pet of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

We have 11 very cute pets entered into the November 2022 Pet of the Month Contest. View all the pets and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for POTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific pet in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.

You are not allowed to update your entry picture once voting has started.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

You are allowed to change your vote if you wish.

Poll will close on November 27th at 7:35 PM ET (US).
Thread will periodically be cleaned up for readability.
We at fishforums.net thank you for your participation
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Here's my cat, Matilda. She's my best friend. She loves eating, sleeping, warmth and me! She's 6 years old, and super lazy. She's quite crazy, doesn't like being touched (by other people), and hates everyone (but me ;)) . She's scared of everything. She makes me company every day, sleeps with me every night, begs for food every morning, and eats my food... when she has the chance to. She does have some agression issues, but otherwise she's really sweet. Her purring is just priceless. She likes me petting her tummy the most:wub:. What makes me laugh every day is her drinking water from everywhere but her water dish. My glass of water, the flower pots, from the toilet (lolllll) and.... the aquariums😂. She's very good with my fish, one of my Bettas once jumped out of the tank and she came to me and made me FOLLOW HER to the tank😱 .She's quite the character.🥰
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Mischka, male american singer canary.

He is one of my favorite birds. He wasn't raised by his mom but by his foster mom and dad. He was raised in the same nest with his brother, Patty. Mischka is very friendly and is not shy at all. He loves millet, broccolli, apples, seed mix, and lettuce. He is in a large flight cage with 3 other sweet birds, including Patty. Mischka was born this last Spring, so he is quite young still. He has very beautiful colors. ❤️
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Hi everyone this is Bailey! I’ve decided to include a hilarious photo from one of his recent grooms he had done. He loves playing with his brother Benji and has just turned 2! We’ve had him since he was an 8 week old puppy and is fed on an all natural diet. He has recently just learned paw.

I hope you all love Bailey as much as I do :)
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This is my rare Lutino Lacewing budgerigar Venera.

Venera. Venera means Venus in Ukrainian. I decided to call her Venera (Venus) because she is beautiful (Goddess of Beauty) and she is similar to the colour of the planet Venus.

Age: At least 2 years, maybe 3.

Mutations: Venera has amazing rare mutations: She is a Lutino (yellow based birb with affected Ino gene) and in addition, she is also a Lacewing which means she is a cinnamon wing birb at the same time as being an Ino birb!

Venera is the companion for my other budgie Apollo after Apollo lost her "cage-mate" Sweetpea to a respiratory illness. Venera is a beautiful birb and not only is she a vivid yellow, she also has a tint of neon green on some of the tips of her feathers which is unusual for and Ino birb. You can't tell in the picture above, but she has dark red eyes, almost like a pair of rubies! Why am I referring to her as a birb? She is very funny but also very dumb (I should make a thread with her dumb pictures) so Venera is a beauty but with no brains. She is also VERY moody and as far as interaction with me, she will only lick my finger fro a few seconds.
Venera would definitely get the prize for the warmest feet! If you are ever cold, all you need to do is get this birb onto your hand and voila! You have a free heater! She is also skilled in yoga and can do the splits as well as balance on one leg for 2+ hours!
That's Venera in a "seedshell"! I can't think of more thing about her for now...
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Meet Tom, he is an Abyssinian cat three and a half years old, I named him after Tom and Jerry. He has a dog-like personality, Tom's favorite game is fetch, he brings me his toy mice every time he gets happy or just wants to play with me. Funny thing is that he is actually scared of an actual mouse, I babysat my friend's mouse a while ago and every time I let the mouse out of his cage he would chase Tom around the house. Although he is not a lap cat, he definitely likes to follow me around wherever I go in the house.

Tom is also a rescuer of fish, on many occasions, when a fish jumps out of the tank Tom would come and alert me by meowing, then leading me to the spot where the fish is.

Great companion indeed!
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This is Leela, or as she is called most days..."The Pretty Pretty Princess" Leela is 10 years old, a German Shepard mix of some variety. Leela lost her brother, Mac, a little over a year ago and has become very much a daddy's girl. She has spent every day by my side since March 13th, 2020 when I started working remote.

She truly thinks she is human and I spoil her like I would a daughter. The picture above was taken on a private dolphin boat tour over the summer. She loved it!

She did not approve of me taking a picture without her consent...lol
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This beautiful lady here is my Wife and I daughter named Precious. She is 13 years old and was given to us when she was 3 weeks old. Yes she has a mustache but she is all girl I assure you. I am her daddy and my pet name for her is LittleGirl. We have a real daddy daughter relationship. We fight and argue one minute and cuddle the next with lots of love and kisses in between but she does have to have the last say. She doesn't like to be pet much because she's more into grooming and primping herself and if you pet her yer just messing up her hair and she will snap and draw blood so I learned to be fast lol. LittleGirl eats Friskies wet food 2 times a day and Friskies dry food in between with occasional treats but she won't drink water unless it's rainwater. She gets anything she wants and has her own bedroom but I can't post those pics here. Mostly indoor cat but I made a fenced in back porch for her and she thrives on fresh air and sunshine and watching birds, squirrels and rabbits cross the yard. She still has all her hunting instincts and I keep lots of scratching posts around so she can keep em sharp (pun intended lol)! This is my LittleGirl and my pride and joy and part of my lifeline hope you like her 😃
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Izzy the cutest dog ever she has a friend named Inara and she’s my other dog a border collie and they are really good friends.

Izzy loves eating chicken and other foods but she was starting to get over wait so we gave her Abit less of that💀😭

She loves strolling through the park showing of her new rain coat and she really loved me taking pictures of her she was trying to be a model.

If anyone votes for her thank you.
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This is “Winni,” she is our three year old Cairn terrier mix that we rescued about one year ago. If Winni was a fish she would fall into the cichlid family, full of personality, but can be aggressive towards strange dogs & cats. When we first picked her up she was a hammer and all other dogs & cats were considered nails, however she loves all us two legged treat givers. She currently has adjusted to her new forever home and has mellowed out considerably and is very obedient when I take her on walks. The second picture is with my wife holding Winni as we were visiting “Murphy” the mascot at Aquarium Co-Op in Edmonds, Washington. As you can tell from her expression, she wasn’t to interested in a gigantic mbu puffer fish!
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Picture for entry:
intrests 1-croped.JPG

This is Terabit, one of my best friends but a total pain. He loves my aquarium and, from the photo my cichlids also seem interested. I'm just not sure if he isn't thinking Yummy, fish fry and if the cichlids are not saying na na nana, you can't get us. ;)

Terabit is actually a bit of a sad case. I took him in as a neglected rescue bird. Before I got him he had a bonded mate that died; probably from being egg bound from a lack of a calcium source. I base that on it taking over a month before he realized that a cuttlefish bone was something to nibble.

We are working on it but he is still, after about 4 years or so with me, still cage bound which means that he is VERY territorial as to his cage and often resists coming out. He comes out on his own much more now than when we started but he is still a very troubled bird. Once out of the cage he is totally different and quite friendly. Sort of think of being cage bound as being in a 'safe house'. If you come out you are in danger.

It is amazing as to the difference between when he is in his cage and out. When in his cage and I change his food he will actually try to bite me at times. Out of the cage he will walk around on my head and shoulders. Actually he will dig under a shirt I'm wearing and seem to cuddle with just his head sticking out of the top of the shirt.

I don't know if we will ever actually fix each other but we are working on it. Even with all the issues we are still good friends.
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Meet Sprite! She is a 2 year old budgie, and she lives together with her mate and best friend, Marshmallow. Sprite is extremely smart and playful. She loves any kind of game, and she loves doing tricks. So far she can do "step up", "target", she comes when I call her, flies back to her cage on command, she can go under my hand like a tunnel, she can play fetch, and she gives kisses!
Sprite also loves baths, and can often be found bathing luxuriously in her special bird bath. It's tough work being so pretty!
She also has a bit of a naughty side, and always finds some way to get in trouble. Whether it's teasing Marshmallow or figuring out where I keep the treats, Sprite will always find some way to make things interesting. But she's cute, so she's always easily forgiven.
Mostly, Sprite just loves having fun, and she enjoys life every single day!
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